I am so sorry I missed it......
Hi guys,
My dad was rushed to Neshoba General ER on Sat morning. His O2 sat was 40 and normal os 97. His blood was black when they drew it. They put him in ICU. We almost lost him. I was still planning on coming and he had a really rough night last night and I was scared to get to far away from him. I really wanted to see you guys. Please say a prayer for my daddy.
I am so sorry to hear about your father. We will keep him in our prayers. We missed you at the picnic. We had an absolutely wonderful time. Everyone is just as great as I imagined them to be. It was so wonderful getting to meet everyone finally. We have to do this again. My husband said he was glad to meet everyone. He understands why I stay on this board all the time now surrounded by great folks.
I hope your Dad feels better and gets out of the hospital really soon. Keep us posted.
Melissa Taylor
Dear Joyce,
Of course we understand that you had way more important things on your mind, your daddy is my prayers and I hope he 's okay. There will be another meeting and you're going to meet us all then, don't worry. I plan to make the next meeting too as long as it's within driving distance
So now, be with your daddy and we will meet you next time okay?
Take care and hope everything turns out okay.