I have a date!!!!!
Thanks for all the good wishes, you wonderful, terrific MS board folks! In only one month, I have gotten approved and have a surgery date for August 25th! ( I have a horribly busy summer ahead of me, which is why I am waiting until kids go back to school!). I know all your good thoughts and warm wishes helped make it an easy approval!
Now I just have to keep feathers from growing on my behind! I am getting just a little nervous!
we're so excited for you, this summer will be over before you know it and next summer vacation starts and you'll say WHOA WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE??
Wishing u all the best for your upcoming surgery, please let us know how you 're doing !! You have every reason to be nervous, it's a big step but its SO WORTH IT!!! Pluck them feathers 'n spread 'em wings!!
Take Care!