Count down to liquids.......
Hey everyone just wanted to announce that I'm getting ready to prepair my last meal, well Donnie is doing the cooking and i'm doing the eatting! I'm actually glad this will be the last meal that I'll over-eat! Yhea, i know i probably wont be saying that this time next week, but I'll get over it. I'm gonna have a big T-bone steak and one or two lobster tails a baked tater,and garlic laiden green beans(my fav.) ! IS this O.K. or should i not eat this much tonight?? I've made my sugar-free kool aid, decaf tea with splenda and i got my chicken broth and crystal light waitting for me is there anything else i should get for the next two days? I'm a going to wally world to get my calcium and vits. later tonight so if ya'll know of something i'm missing please tell me !!!!!! DAWN
Hey Dawn
I don't know what they recommend at Keesler, if you want some of my input for vitamins etc, I use the chewable Centrum ( they are orange flavored so I can eat them without gagging, I take two a day to make sure I get it all in case of mal-absorption issues ).
I also use the B12 sublinguals from there, little brown bottle and they taste okay too, not sure what that flavor is, maybe strawberryish? hehe
Make sure the calcium is CITRATE, if you can't find it at wal mart, check out the site for upcalD, its a powder you can add to anything you want. calcium citrate is the one that is effectively absorbed, so watch them labels. You may also want to think along the lines of kiddie chewable tylenol for later (Liquid Tylenol is loaded w/sugar, if you can even find it, they used to have a liquid for diabetics but I haven't found it yet in this neck of the woods) and for iron, I use SlowFE slow release iron pills. Definitely the better choice of iron for me and my tendency to constipation *blushing * .
Buy a couple flats of water and some of those boxes of single serving crystal lite type wal mart brand drink mix to add to water on the go. ( lifesaver!! )
As for your last meal... GO FOR it and enjoy it. You'll do without it for a while, even though in a few months you'll get to eat steak and lobster again, just a LOT less of it. Oh.... make SURE you have LipBalm when you go to the hospital !!
See you tomorrow, girl !!

Don't listen to Andie...The centrum chewables in orange are HORRIBLE!!! GAG!!! GAG!!! GAG!!!! But do get the b-12 sublinguilal she said...and Tums will work for the calcium....get the easy dissolve kind - they taste best....Enjoy your meal.....Just don't cheat the next two days on your liquids....If your surgery were tomorrow, I'd hogtie you and not let you eat, but you got a couple days so enjoy!

LOL Ok how about this.. wait on the vitamins and I'll bring mine tomorrow so you can try them....
I had to take those disgusting FLINTSTONES for the first couple of months and I was about to give up on vitamins.
Seriously though, I'll bring some, so dont run out and buy a HUGE bottle til tomorrow ok?
I have to laugh about the Flintstones Vitamins. When I brought my class of Chinese kids to US and SARS broke out, two weeks before we came back we started stuffing the kids with good things to up their immunity. One thing was Flintstones twice a day!!! They all thought that they were yummy especially the cherry ones!!! LOL......By the way, Chinese meds taste realllllly bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TO me, the gummy vitamins are the best! They taste just like the gummy bears! I got mine from Walgreens but I am sure that Walmart has them. I only take those and my Tums for calcium. I don't take all the other stuff.
Don't over buy.. you will be able to go to Walmart a few days after your surgery. You will need to taste everything again, you may not like the same flavors after surgery. SF Jello is good, but don't buy the premade stuff, make it yourself. The premade stuff is too sweet.
See you tomorrow!