Holy Moly
I get to see everyone 2 morrow!!
2Morrow- 2Morrow I love ya 2Morrow--your only a day away!!!!!
Im so excited I am about to bust out of my seams. Seems like this day would never get here.
The board was so much fun yesterday and yall must be bound and determined to get me fired. All the excitement had me giggling hysterically and I couldnt keep myself offline.
None of us are gonna be shy 2morrow. I think the air has been cleared and we are just gonna be a bunch of yappers and laughers and our hubbys are gonna think we have all lost our minds. We will be cackling like a bunch of hyenas...
Wanted to say that my editor at the paper came to my desk yesterday and had a peice of paper turned backwards to her chest and she turned it aruond and showed me--It was me 1 week preop taking photos for my article. I had never seen this picture as we only used the head shot. I snatched it away from her in shock at how huge I was. I teared up and stared at myself for many many minutes thinking "What was I thinking... How did I get that way..What the hell was I thinking wearing stripes"... Its on my profile if anyone wants to see. Its awful. The person in that photo is a stranger. I showed it to my friend last night and she said "Who is that"..I was like--loook at it... She was like... OH MY GOD. That doesnt even look like you. It was a real wow moment.
I am so excited about tomorrow. Today cannot go by quick enough!
See yall in 24 hours!
I can't wait till tomorrow either.
To finally meet everyone. It is gonna
be so much fun.
Girl you look so good. Not that you weren't
pretty before but you look so so good now.
Keep it up. Oh yeah I want to see your
tatoo in person, if you don't mind.I've got
a busy day today I have to deliver a wedding
cake and attend the wedding and my dh, Marci
and Sam are going to a ball tournament. Who
know when we will be back home. So I'm trying
to get my ducks in a row before I leave.
See ya'll tomorrow

I guess it was around 270! Wow... I hate to say that weight. I used to go to the doctor and they would weigh me and I would get so embarrassed... I just knew everyone was calling me lard ass and ugh... those days are gone. I go and weigh now and I feel so good and confident and life is grand and its one less thing for those doctors to fuss about.
My OB called me a walking advertisement for my surgeon. I was thrilled to death.
This has been the best expierience of my life!
I love it when ya'll post stories like this. I can't wait till I can post my own story. I thankfully have a really supportive PCP. She understands that we don't all just put on weight cuz we sit around watching TV with a tub of ice cream in front of us. But as great as that is the big bad world isn't always as understanding, and it can be more painful then the physical problems this weight brings. I see each and everyone of us as warriors ...starting out like myself or at goal weight like u Christine ... it's a battle and it's so inspiring to those of us starting this battle to hear stories like yours and others and know that yes we really can win this. Rock on!
Ok I'll stop my novel now lol Hugs to everyone!
I couldn't have said it better myself. Your day will come soon and we will all be there for you to cheer you on as we do for each other. I am glad you are enjoying the board. We enjoy having you here. You are right it is a battle we all face every day and there are lots out there that are judgmental and don't understand, but you are among kindred spirits here and we understand everything you say. So come and post a novel anytime you get ready. We will all read it.
Hugs to you,
Melissa Taylor
Lap Rny 1/15/04
-141 pounds