Bad Apples ???
Can anyone tell me how to "see" if an apple is bad ?
Without being able to touch it now, so no picking it up & feeling it.
Do they have an odd smell, look different, etc. ?
And how long does it take for apples to turn bad ?
Can't apples could be kept for a long time if kept cool & not dropped etc ?
After an apple turns, can anything be done with it other than throwing it out ?
Like putting it out for birds, squirrels, etc.
I really needs some help with this, because I just may have some bad apples & I don't want to open the bag & touch them if they are bad.
I'll be sick to my belly & running through the house gagging !!! 


You know, "one bad apple spoils the whole bunch" so I say just ditch the bag and run!!!!!!!
Apples (much like mushrooms) need to be stored in a cool, dark place to slow the aging process, but you know we don't know how old that apple was when we acquired it and it may have lived a goodly long time in a cool, dark place before it moved into your house with your family....I dunno....
Smoochies at ya!

Tammy girl what the heck are you talking about? Maybe I'm wrong but i since there's an insides joke that this ole girl is missing out on!! Or maybe I'm not the only spactic person on here and your nuts too!Just throw them apples away if there bad an go buy some more. Do you need me to bring you some sunday, I've got some good ones! DAWN
OH !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE ORANGES !!!!!!!!!
But, I can't have them. They break me out
I been having problems with apples also I guess. I thought they would last longer in the original bag & in the frig for several weeks. I guess not though. They must have been old by the time they got to my house.
Maybe I should go to grapes or naners.
With those, you can easily tell if they are bad.
Oh well, for now...... I'm fruitless !!!!