update on donna
hey this is kevin, they shipped donna from west point hospital to cmmc at jackson, where she had her surgery. she still has a fistula and has to have a new j-tube put in. she is still running a temp and has some congestion in her lungs. she is getting very tired and depressed. she has been having problems since dec. 14 when she had surgery. the longest she has been home at one time is about 10 days. i dont know how much more she can take. i am physically and mentally wore out. please pray for us. thank you.
Thank you so much for letting us know. Can she have visitors? What room is she in?
Kevin, I know that taking care of a sick loved one is the most draining job a person can have. Please take care of yourself, and let us know if you or Donna need anything. We will be glad to help where we can.
Keep the faith, and know that y'all are being prayed for.