Finally!!! I have them...
For those of you who were wondering
Yes I know have the t-shirts. As usual
I was put off a few times as far as what
day they would be ready
But they are

and currently on my kitchen table.
I think they look really good. Thanks
to Dex
Since I wasn't able to get them until yesterday
will it be ok with everyone if we pass them out
at the picnic. I am so sorry if this is an incovinence
but now we really don't have time to get them out.
Can't wait till Sunday to meet all you crazy folks...

We may get kicked out of the park. Me and Dawn topless. And Papa Bear and his crew wearing nothing but goloshes if it rains and it is going to rain. They will think we are a family of nudist LMAO. We are truly in sane. Do you think this surgery does that to us?
P.S. Becky please come early. I can't go topless long. Dawn will make me look bad if what Rhonda says is true.
Arlies and Rhonda are crazy. Knowing you and me would be the two most unlikely to be going topless with our fear of even being naked on the operating table. But it sure was funny. Glad to know if we did go topless we would at least match because I have nothing either LOL. This has been a fun night of posting. Craziness everywhere. I love it.
Can't wait to meet ya hope we get along as well in person. I've had a hoot of a good time with you today i've laughed and laughed and peed my britches too!
It's true!! And your post to crystal earlier sounded just like my struggle to make this decision, I too have prayed on this for over a year and tryed to get around it but i kept coming back with the same answer every time.I truely do believe this is Gods will for me and my life. And I"m at peace with it , i just don't want to get naked though!