Cheryl King Update
Hello everyone, I stopped in and checked on Cheryl today and she is doing fine. Of course she has some nausea from the anesthesia but that is the only complaint she had. She wanted me to tell all of you how thankful she is for all of the prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery. I printed out her support page and took it to her. She is at the Keesler hospital if anyone wants to call her.
I met Dawn Fisher tonight and yes she is spastic!!
but cute as a button. She has her surgery next Tuesday and then Sharon another lady from here and our support group will have hers on Wednesday. So next week we have two from this area plus the ones from north of here.
Just a few more days until the picnic!! I can't wait!!

I see that you figured out how to change your name. See, I told you that you could do it!! You underestimate yourself too much. I live right off of base outside the Meadows Gate, the military housing that is on the corner of Bayview and Benachi. That is how I got home so quick. Also, I came straight to my computer when I came home so that I could go to bed.
I really enjoyed meeting you last night, I can see that we could become really good friends. We seem to have a lot in common. I am going to call today and find out about the water aerobics at the pool, I think that will be a great way to exercise and would be fun too! I will have to take leave at work to go and do it, but I don't think my boss will care! As long as I get my work done. Don't you sit on this computer all day, you need to get your housework done so that you can come to the picnic Sunday. I really want you to be there!!

It really isn't as bad as you would think. You will have some soreness but it's not really bad pain. Just remember to "roll" out of the bed, don't try to sit up. Sitting up uses too many stomach muscles. You can plan to have a little nausea from the anesthesia but they can give you some phenegren or something for that, and plan to have a lot of gas on your stomach. During the surgery they have to check for leaks and they flush air and water (or some type of liquid) through you to do that. Just don't hold it in, let it out. Believe it or not, the doctors want to hear that you have passed gas. And the most important thing to remember while you are in the hospital and when you get out is to WALK WALK WALK.. You should be up walking the same day of your surgery, as my doctor said "We aren't operating on your legs"... You will be fine.. No worries..