Hey folks, I am feeling a bit grumpy right now....I just updated my profile and lost a WHOLE bunch of stuff, but I do have it backed up.....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.................
I have created a Dailey Intake Log on excel. Do you wanna copy? It is 3 pages. The first page is a cover sheet, the 2nd is the actual log, and the 3rd is a long of weight, weight loss and BMI. Lemme know if you want a copy. I NEED something I can carry with me. DH is gonna copy the middle page for me at work....And I have punched holes and got a note book started.....I plan to carry it with me EVERYWHERE!!! Lemme know if you wanna copy or wanna see....
PS on the log page, I included the guidelines that Dr. Whitehead gave Christine so that you can see each day how you did on your proteins, etc.