Hospital costs for a Lap R&Y???????
Heh...heh...heh.... mine was $40 and some helps to have a retired military DH!!! 3 or 4 days stay is pretty normal - I was in an extra day (4 days total due to problems getting blood outta this old turnip...). I have heard prices range from about $25 to $75 thousand.....Yep, it is ALOT!!! I don't have a clue about surgeon fees.
PS What day will you fly into Mississippi? What airport? Send us your schedule....we make make a journey to meet you!!!!

Thanks for the offer to pick me up, I will be coming into New Orleans and my daughter will be waiting, she lives 5 minutes from the airport, so very good for me! I was asking about the bill cause the hospital in Ocean Springs quoted me $25,000. JUST for the hospital! For a 3 day stay that is about 8,000 per day, which seems a bit steep and I will not be using intensive care!!!! Even if the room is 750 per day, and the OR is 5000 that would still only be less than 10000..... So I am a bit skeptical of this quote from Ocean Springs Hospital. I was in the hospital in Jackson St Dominics and it wasnt that expensive. Also was in hospital in New Orleans for 2 weeks and it was about 35000! S0 you can see why I am wondering about this quote.......I have to pay myself and then be reimbursed, it will only be a portion of the actual cost.......
I do not know what doctor you are using but most hospitals take vocational rehab. My surgeon does not take this but the hospital did. They paid for my out of pocket deductible and whatever my insurance didnt pay. All I paid for was my hospital admission fee of $250.00. Have you checked on using them? It was very simple and pain free. It might save you several thousand dollars. There goal is to keep you in the work force. I had a great case worker and was approved and given my agreement within 2 days. My meeting with them lasted all of 30 mins. He even called me 1 mos after my surgery to check on my progress.
I had my procedure open and was in the hosp for 5 days. The hospital bill was $23,000. My surgeon fee was $5500.00 and the assistant surgeon was $3000.00. The anestesiologist (grrr..sp) was $1800.00--so overall the surgery was around: $33,000.