Vena Cava Filter
I am a bit confused. It this a standard procedure to insert this filter in to the vein in the leg? Is this done to certain patients who are heavier and are at risk from clotting? I had a major abdominal surgery for two hernias done 5 years ago here in Hong Kong, and I didnt have this procedure. I did have the surgical stockings, and the pressure cuffs on my legs, I think that was a good move, and I healed beautifully from my open surgery and scar is not bad at all.
What other kinds of tests have to be done before surgery besides the blood panel?
Hi Cheryl, no the filter is not standard procedure. Alot of clinics do not even use it, I guess you could request it if you wanted. The Oxford Clinic is very pro filter, it is not mandatory but if you meet certain criteria, it is highly suggested.
I think it is a wonderful precautionary tool, it even stays in place permanently and can help stop clots from reaching the wrong places in the future. I am definitely opting for it if my surgeons advises, which he probably will since I used the Oxford Clinic.
If you are still of child bearing ages, they do not suggest it as Crystal was telling me they told it the increased pressure the uterus can cause can cause the prongs to damage vital organs.
Hey, the filter is for people determined to be prone to bloodclots - smokers and former heavy smokers for one....I didn't have one and I was a very heavy weight!!!
I also had a pulmonary study....blow out until you turn purple and fall over in your chair!....EKG (due to taking pfenn-fenn)....sleep study (I bees a snorer!!!)...blood gases....and that's all I can think of except for the psycho testing....just remember as Psyco Doc told me...."It doesn't matter that you are crazy, it just matters if your craziness interferes with your understanding the surgery."

I think most doctors only use this if you are a huge risk for clots or have had problems in the past with clots.
I only had the pressure cuffs on my legs and I didnt have any problems. The most important thing is to get up and get moving as soon as possible.
Every doctor seems to be different on the tests preop. I had an EKG, a chest Xray, and a blood panel. Some other doctors require a lot more than that. I dont know if its over excessive or just very precautionary. Either way it just depends on the doctor.
How long is your flight from Hong Kong? Do you get layovers anywhere? I bet it is so weird to be so far away. Does your husband come home with you in the summer? Is it real different over there? How do they treat Americans?
Talk to you soon!
I probably won't need this then, since I have never smoked, don't take any kind of birth control or anything that would give you clots. My flight is about 13 hours, Hong Kong to LA, then on to Dallas 3 hours and 1 more hour to New Orleans all in all a pretty fast trip. My connections are short this time, which is good, I usually fly the HK, Seoul Korea, Dallas trip which is a bit longer but much cheaper and better service
Once you are in the air, you can walk around the plane, I usually get up about once an hour, go to the restroom, and stand a few minutes to stretch. I try to drink tons of water, it helps a lot cause flights cause you to dehydrate. We are 13 hours ahead of you so I willl gain a day when I come back to US!
I am trying to get the tests done now so that everything will be finished when I arrive and go to the doctor the next week. My doctor is used to the British names for some of the tests so I had to ask them to send descriptions of all the tests so that she would know what to order......
Americans have some tough times, particularly when they dont like a new policy or we bomb someone. I have had some people say some pretty rough things to me, and I always tell them this, when they were dropping bags of food in afghanstan, I only saw sacks marked This is a gift from the peoples of the USA. I never saw any other country's name on anything! They usually just slink away after that. 911 was awful and frightening. My husband was in Sweden giving a lecture. He was in the air coming back and didnt know until he returned what happened. SARS was also a very scary and desperate time for us too. Epidemics are serious things.......
I am looking forward to seeing all of you and talking to you!!!!