Oxford Directions
Dx or anyone that has been to Becky's office in Oxford, could you please give me the directions. I have to go there before they send me over to Dr. King's office on Tuesday. I have only been to Oxford once and that was only to the hospital and I am still not sure I could even find that again.
I will be coming up 55-North.
Once you get off at the Batesville Exit headed toward Oxford
Come on down Hwy 6 East.
Come Past the West Oxford Exit, (a Walmart on the Right)
Come past the Coliseum Drive Exit,
Come Past the Old Taylor Road Exit,
The next Exit will be Lamar Blvd.
Get off there and go right (South toward Hospital)
Right as you get off of the Hwy Exit on to Lamar,
There is a Shipley's Doughnuts on the Left - (PASS ON BY)
The First Light you come to is Elliott Drive.
If you take a Left there and then the First immediate Left (That is Kings Office)
If you go on through that light and stay on Lamar
The Next Light you come to is Belk Blvd.
Going Left there takes you to the main Entrance to the hospital.
But to get to Becky's Office at Liv-Lite,
Go on through that light and stay on Lamar.
It's about a mile further down and you'll see "The Azaleas" on your Right.
It has a big Brick entry sign and a lot of medical offices in the complex.
Turn in there.
The Diagnostic Center
(It's actually the "Baptist Center for Cancer Care and Diagnostic Center")
Is at the end of that road, or just as it makes a big turn to the Left.
Look for the sign.
When you go in, just walk to the front desk and ask for the Liv-Lite Office.
It is straight down the hall as you turn Left at the front desk
And it is on the Left just after you move past the Waiting room areas.
Becky's office is very small.
Hopefully this will give you the directions to the three spots you're looking for-
King's Office, Hospital, and Liv-Lite/ Diagnostic Center.
Blood-Work/Lab-Work will usually be done at the Diagnostic Center.
What time are you planning on being there?
I have to go in for Lab work to the Diagnostic Center on Tuesday Myself.
I teach a class in the morning but I'm planning on going after that-
Probably around 11:00 to 12:00.
I go to "check-up" with Byars the following day.
Hope You find it easily.
If you get lost-
Call Becky at Liv-Lite at-
(662) 513-9671
Best Wishes-