Yesterday, Em and I ventured out to go to the library and to get an appliance bulb for my stop top. We stopped at every dollar store between here and Philadelphia Walmart to discover the dollar stores don't carry appliance bulbs. Well, while we were at Philly, I said let's go check the vegetable stand (out 16 west towards the casino) since Shaun (my nephew) told me it was open now. Lo and behold!!! Chilton Peaches are in!!! Em hopped out to check the prices ($7 for a smaller and $10 for a bigger basket - tho the baskets looked the same - Em chose a $7 basket). She asked about the peaches and the tomato man (who runs the stand and used to just sell tomatoes on the road that comes out of Williamsville before you get to the main road going to walmart) offered her one to sample. She bit into it and juice went everywhere!!! That was the best dern peach she and I ever have tasted. We bought our basket and went down the road to Conehatta eating peaches with juice running down to our elbows. Polly ate my skin (didn't want my tummy to hurt!!!) that I bit off my peach. Ya'll get you some peaches!!! It is really summertime now!!! They are juicy ripe and just waiting on you!!!
Are you hungry now?