update on DonnaLooser
this is kevin, donna has been in and out of the hospital with complications for the past month. she has cdif and 24 hour nausea. i dont know how much she can take. she really needs your prayers and support. she also still has a fistula and is on tpn and cannot eat or drink anything. thank you for your prayers.
OH my goodnes, I am so sorry to hear about Donn'a problems. If there is anything we can do please let us know. Our prayers and thoughts will be with her.
P.S. Arlies, "TPN means Total Parenteral Nutrition. This is a complete form of nutrition, containing protien, sugar, fat, and added vitamins and minerals as needed for each individual. It is admininstered through an intavenous infusion, usually using a central line."
I don't know what CDIF is.
Arlies, tpn is a iv infused nutrition that your body needs to fuction, austin was on it when he was in the NICU. as for the cdif i aint got a clue. just thought i would share that.
Kevin, I am so sorry to hear that Donna is having so many problems still, she and your family are in my prayers!
God Bless,
Angie Bea
Kevin... My prayers are with you and Donna.
I was so happy that she was back home and now kinda down to learn that she is back in the hosp.
I just don't understand why someone as sweet as her has to go through what all she is going through.
I am thinking of y'all daily and lifting you up in prayer. Tell her that Jo is praying and loves her and wants her to get home and have a healthy speedy recovery.
Sorry to hear that Donna isn't doing so well. Please extend our greetings to her and that we're remembering her in our prayers , hopefully she gets better real soon !!
FYI, Cdiff or clostridium difficile is a bacteria that just about everybody has in their digestive tract. This bacteria takes advantage of the situation and colonizes the entire digestive system when your counts are down.