Off Topic Question
Can I ask a question to all the moms out there. Of course, I am only a grandmother and know absolutely nothing. But my daughter says that Raelin (now 3 months old) is sleeping 8-9 hours at night, which is great.
BUT..... She is sleeping in her swing. Is that good? I think she is causing her to learn to be dependant on something moving while she sleeps but Amber (my daughter) said that she told her doctor and they said it was ok.
What do yall think?
Oh Sue, this is the only bad part of being a grandmother. We do see things differently than our kids do. I am like you, I don't think it is good to continue to let Raelin sleep in the swing. Napping during the day is one thing, but all night can't be good for her circulation. That's what I think!
My daughter with the 2 youngest boys just called and I told her about us grandmothers. She just laughed and said things are SO different with grandchildren. She said, I did'nt know what to do with her. We laughed and agreed she would let me talk then do what she wants to do since it is her baby. Hope this helps. Just talk to me, I understand. Smiles, Jan

Ohhhh Sue, I'm with you on that on , it won't physically hurt her,but it will cause some major sleep problems in the future. I done the same thing with my 1st baby, he was 5 before he would sleep in his bed alone. i know it's hard but she needs to break this now there is a great book that helped me and many other people i know to help there babies sleep threw the night in there bed very early .BABY WISE it's in paperback. it teaches you how to get them on a secheldue, and how to let them learn to fall asleep by themselves and to sleep threw the night. i followed this book with my twins they slept threw the night at 6weeks , even now they love nap and night-night time They run to their beds excited for their quiet time, they always wake up happy. The main idea is to but the baby to bed when they are tired you look for clues, no rocking, or falling asleep at the bottle or breast, you put them down awake. Please get the book there is probably tips in it for people starting this late, i started as soon as they got home from the hospital. My babies have soft blankets with satin around the edges that helps them sleep (they won't sleep without them) but they only use them in the bed. Hope this is some help, dawn
I duno.....Everybody always says to put the babe in the crib and let them get themselves to sleep.....I rocked my babies to sleep, but then put them in the bed. Seems like sleeping in the swing would be great, but what happens when she outgrows it? Also seems like she might get a crick in her little neck.....and her movement in her sleep would be limited buckled into a I'd rock her and put her in the crib.......but I love to rock babies....

thats what i do with austin arlies (ive always done that even when he was in the hospital) I would rock him to sleep then put him in his crib or whatever he was in at that time and he would sleep all night long mostly. Now days since he has a big boy bed either me or his daddy gets him to sleep at night and he usually stays in his bed and sleeps from around 9 pm till about 7 in the am.
angie bea