Jackson "Free Lance" Support Meeting
Hi Guys,
We are having our support meeting on the 31st in Jackson, MS at the club house at Kimberly Shivers subdivision.
This group is sorta free lance, we all use different hospitals and doctors, we just love each other and like to get together once a month and have snacks and great conversation and support. Oh yea and we make Kitsy pull up her shirt and show us how skinny she is now....
Everyone is welcome to come, it is May 31st @ 7:00 pm. We have LOADS of fun
....Kimberly will post the directions better than I.
We all met on a Yahoo Groups website for WLS. You all are welcome to join that site also.
Please join us if you can... We got alot to celebrate this time, us 3 "fluffy" gals are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and we wanna celebrate. 
