Can anyone suggest a type of bread that is pouch friendly and tastes good? I know bread is not good for us, but I do like to have a sandwich or toast on occasion, and bread does NOT work for me at all.. I throw up every single time I try it. I have noticed that a lot of you eat wraps. Do you just use the soft taco shells to make your wraps or what? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I was like you in the beginning, I could not tolerate bread. But now I can. I try not to eat it regularly, but when I do I go with a low carb bread like the Sarah Lee Delightful wheat and the low carb whole wheat flour tortillas. The southbeach lunchables with the wraps are good too. I keep those on hand for when I am in a hurry and can't fix my lunch. I just grab one and go. The low carb lighter breads tend to do better on my pouch. I can do corn bread, but biscuits are just too bulky or something.
The first bread I could eat was sourdough! I got sliced sandwich bread but it was a sourdough. I don't do well with whole wheats or real grainy bread. Sometimes I can eat flour tortillas and sometimes not. I can occasionally now eat white bread. I started with the thin sliced (40 calories per slice) bread and just a half of that slice (1/4 sandwich). Bread is a HARD thing to get used to. I gave it up completely for a while and am just now able to eat a bit now and again.
PS I have no trouble with cornbread as long as it is CORN bread with no flour or sugar (jiffy mix KILLS me) in it. Sissie makes me some with just bread and milk.....