Rhonda or Arlis...???
I'm going for my inform. meeting with Dr Mann and Lisa today. I know I should just ask them tonight but i'll probably clam up when i get there,when will i get a date?? I only have to have a few labs and a chest x-ray for my pre-ops nothing else, I'm chomping at the bit here. I never relized that I could be this inpatient, with Kimberly G getting her date today i'm SAD for me .(I'm VERY HAPPY for you KIMBERLY). Any who another question did ya'll have a distal or proximal RNY (SPELL) how much did they bypass?I don't want to go and do this and not lose enough to get me out of the over wt. catogory!! I've been reading some posts on the main board and some people in my wt and ht range have only lost 40-50 lds in their first 6-8 mos, I want to lose this in my first 2 weeks
. Sorry my paranoia is acting up agian.;crazy: Fell free to ignore this post if I'm getting on your nerves,I'll understand. thanks for listening to my rambling again, -dawn-

I'm not Rhonda or Arlis ... but I still feel your angst! I've had the same feelings! I typed out all my pre op questions (there are 27 total!) to take with me to my pre op appt. on June 9th. Kimberly G was sooooooooooo aggressive in her quest for wls! Bless her soul! I'm soooooooooooo excited for her and can NOT wait to find out her date!!
I, on the other hand ... started this journey on Oct. 5th and have just received my pre op testing date (June 9th) then I'm told surgery should be two weeks later!
You hang in there girl!! It'll be here before you know it

Hey Kimberly,I'll take who ever I can get to listen!
I cant wait to hear from kim g. i've been praying all will work out for her today. Glad to know i'm not alone in this wait ... but i can't belive you've been waiting that long bless your heart! Thanks for posting about those shops earlier, I think you and I would be dangerous together!! I'll have to check them out next time i'm up your way! I'm from hickory (that's in newton co.) so when i go home sometimes me and my sister go shopping in ridgland. Anyway feel free to pass along some of those questions my brain is numb I can't think of anything intellegant to ask!!
- Hugs- dawn

Dawn is that Dr Mann at Keesler? We are moving to Waveland on Saturday and I am going to enroll at Keesler. My husband is Navy. Let me know how you like him. Has anyone else had any of the docs at Keesler. How was your experience? I am hoping to have the surgery sometime this year. Hope your appointment goes great. Sometimes it helps to make a list before you go. We all get nervous and forget to ask questions I always have to write my "brains" down. Good luck with getting a date that is not to far away.
hey Amy, Yes, DR Mann is at Keesler he's the head surgon , but there's also Dr Jenkins, Dolan and Lo. I hear ther all great. Rhonda and Arlis both had theirs' at keesler and loved them you'll probably see them all at one time or another. Dr Lo( he's Yummy!!!)
is going to be my surgon .Dr Mann is giving the talk tonight on what all to expect and take questions . I can't think of anything except "what's my surgery date?"
I'll let you know if I learn anything that might help you speed things along for you . Have a safe trip and let me know when you get here i'll call you and we can chat. Hugs-dawn-

Hey Dawn.. Calm down girl.... I had 75 cm bypassed. I went today for my 3 month check up and everything is going well. I have lost 60 pounds in 12 weeks, that is an average of 5 pounds a week. I am very happy with that, I could not have lost this much without the surgery. You are going to drive yourself crazy if you don't just calm down and let things happen. Tonight will help you alot, and Dr. Mann is wonderful, be sure to ask all of your questions, he is more than happy to answer them all. Lisa will also be there as well as Lt. Brooks from Nutrition. You will learn alot. They will not be able to tell you when you will get your date until after your name is put in the book and they start scheduling for next month. It did not take Cheryl King but two weeks to get her date and a total of a month before she has her surgery. She seen them for the first time the first of May and she is having her surgery the 31st. Just be patient!! "Good things come to those who wait" I was just like you, and I called Lisa like three different times asking if she knew when my surgery was going to be, I am sure she started getting tired of me, but finally one day when I called, she said March 1st. I was so happy!! Your time will come... I will be out of town all weekend, but will call you when I come back. Be sure to be at the support group meeting on Tuesday night at 7 pm.
Talk to you soon!
Thanks Rhonda, Sounds like your appt went great now time to hit the gym! How do I get my name on that book your talking about? i just want to make sure they don't forget about me, or i do't not do something that i need to do! Yes I know I'm going
I'll see you tuesday , have a good weekend and do call me. dawn-

Sorry, sweetie, I bin running the roads since school was out!!! I hear they have a waiting list now of a whole month! so I dunno if you will get your date that day or not. I had already had my tests and stuff done at UMC when I went to Keesler and I got my date the day I met Dr. Jenkins. BTW, Dr. Mann is everybit as lovely as Dr. Jenkins. Both are my heroes and the loves of my life!! You will LOVE Dr. Mann. He is a very kind gentle soul!