Will I Be Out Of It??
Morning guys,
Well I started my pre surgical diet 2 days ago to make myself in the best possible shape before surgery and have lost 2.5 lbs already. Hopefully I can keep it up, I feel the "last supper symdrome" trying to take over daily.
I wanted to ask everyone a question, my doctor does the scope and inserts the IVC Filter on the same day. (He said that is so he can take advantage of my still being groggy from the scope while he inserts the filter)
Do you think I will be able to drive myself home, it is a 3 hour drive and I don't have anyone to go with me.
GOOD MORNING!! I had to have the scope done a couple of years ago when I THOUGHT my insurance would cover the surgery. I had to have someone drive me home I was so groggy. I wouldn't think you would want to drive after either procedure. Best be safe and get someone to take you or stay there until anesthesia has worn off good. Good luck!
Sue, hun you really really need to find someone that can drive you home because you will not be able to drive for at least a week or so after your released...I was not able to drive till last friday. I was not allowed to drive home and I only live 20 min from the hospital. You have plenty of time between now and your surgery time to find someone that can drive you home. I would be worried sick if I knew you were trying to drive a 3 hour drive right after being released from the hospital! You wont want to move much less drive, you need to take a pillow that you can hold over your tummy for the ride home.
God Bless,
Angie Bea
You will not beable to drive across the road much less three hours. Ibet your dr wont even do the scope unless you have someone in the waitting area with you to drive you. maybe you could drive there get a room and stay the night a drive home the next morning, some hospitals have an escort service that could take you back to your room I'ld call and inquire. Just an idea, please don't drive yourself. Worried about you -dawn-
Yep, Find a driver.
I was fine after the endoscopy
But I was pretty groggy for a few hours.
Byars was going to put in a Vena Cava Filter
But decided against it based on my "low-risk"
For Blood-clots.
Several folks in the Liv-Lite Support Group have
Done both on the same morning and were doing fine
Fairly quickly.
But I'd plan to have a driver.
If you want the Ultimate answer,
Give Bebe, Micki, or Robin a call at Kings Office.
They are great at getting back in touch with info.
I've spent enough time on the phone with those gals
That they feel like my Sisters.
Congratulations on your "Pre-Surgery Loss."
Keep up the Great Work!
Best Wishes-