Emotional Attachment To Food
Hey Sue,
You know I've been doing WW, and doing the "point system" that has really helped me control myself with food, I just eat smaller portions of food, like one slice of pizza instead of the whole thing! I don't have candy around me because I can't control myself with candy... especially chocolate! If I have to have chocolate I get the sugar free kind. It would probably be good to switch everything to sugar free so you will be used to not eating sugar by the time of surgery. That's what I'm doing. Another thing I do is instead of grabbing somethiing to eat when I'm upset, sad, bored ... I go for a walk or call a friend, to get my mind off of food. I just keep pounding this in my head...eat to live... don't live to eat...
It is soo oo hard to start changing your attatchment to food, I am still a work in progress... but I know when I have my surgery it will be so much easier on me if I deal with this issue now. I went to a time managment seminar and they said if you want to change a habit, it takes 3 weeks to completely change it. SO if you can cut out foods you find comfort in or foods you have problems with, try to do it for 3 weeks. I did it, and I don't crave foods like I used to. A lot of times I don't even think about food. So far I've lost almost 30 pounds doing this. It might work for you too.
My surgery was 1 yr 4 mos ago. I am a food addict. Right after my surgery I had no problems what so ever. I had no appetite. Food did not appeal to me. But after several months you seem to get your appetite back somewhat. That is why they call it a tool not a cure. The surgery is on your stomach not your brain. The best thing for me was that like you I asked this question before surgery so I knew there would be a struggle. So I prepared myself for it. I bought some self-help books and took a self-significance class to work on my brain. There are times when emotional hunger kicks in and I feel I need a fix so to speak. But I have equipped myself with tools to help me to control it and fight it. I am not perfect and I don't always win, but I feel in control more than I ever have in my entire life. So if you are one of those emotional eaters start working on it right now. And remember we are always here for you. I have gotten some great support in some of those times of struggle. I honestly don't know what I would do without Christine. She too struggles with head hunger, and we just have to be there for each other to lean on and talk to. And we will be there for you too on your journey to health. Just give a little whistle when you need us. You will do fine.
Melissa Taylor
Don't know any self help books, but I know about comfort from food! I LOVE food, still do! But mostly now just love the IDEA of food, but not the food it's self. I like fixing it and smelling it, but prefer not to be sick so I prefer not to eat it! Eating used to be such a wonderful experience! I LOVED to eat and enjoyed it so much. This surgery takes the fun out of eating, so you very quickly lose your deep, committed love to it....It made me a little sad, because even when I get all geared up to EAT, two bites and I was done. Kinda disappointing, but that is not what food is for. Food is just to give you enery to live, and it's not to entertain you, keep you happy, love you, comfort you and be your best friend.....Yep, you will have some emotions, but with me it was mostly a tinge of sadness for my long, lost friend....
The attachment to food is way deeper than I thought it was. I didnt realize how attached I was.
I used to wake up every morning and think about what I was going to have for lunch. After lunch, I would decide what I wanted for supper. All of our social gatherings revolved around meals. We didnt go anywhere without eating first or afterwards.
I thought this surgery was a cure all and let me tell you--its not! I still crave foods and have since day 1 of my surgery. I wasnt one of the lucky ones who didnt want to eat. I still want the bad food. I still tend to pu**** sometimes (remember my twix) ...
Now, I get up in the morning--grab a shake. Can pretty much go without eating until I am reminded that its lunch time. We go to lunch I pick at my food --sometimes I still eat too much but its getting easier. The food doesnt taste good enough to feel miserable over. Sometimes I have to tell myself "This isnt the last peice of chicken, taco, roast, sandwich, etc you will ever have---you can have more later"... I am learning that a little goes a long way. If I dine with other post ops I do well with my eating. Its eating with other people. If its just me and nobody messing with me... I can go all day without eating. Working though and having those friends that want to go and eat is what hurts me some. I enjoy the outings but I could do without the food, but I always get something.
I cant stand to sit there and watch someone else eat. It literally makes me sick. When I am done, I am ready to go.
Just go into this knowing that its not a cure all and the head hunger and addiction is still there. Its not like we can go cold turkey. We still have to eat to live -- we just have to learn to EAT TO LIVE and no go overboard.
I know I shared with you at one of our support meetings that I had never seen myself as an emotional eater. Then bam, my daughter starting having some problems and I ate an entire bag of Snicker's in one night. I looked down at the wrappers the next morning (yesssss, I was even to lazy to throw them away right then,lol) and the "lightbulb" went off. I'm one of those people that don't constantly think of food ... but let something emotionally challenging happen and my heads in the refrigerator, pantry or freezer. Can we say "emotional eater!!"
I bought Dr. Phil's books "Self Matters" and the other one about diet and food (name escapes me now) and found both very informative and real. I also bought Melanie Beadie's book "Co-Dependant No More" and found out lot's of my food issues come from past experiences. Like you, I'm trying to prepare myself for the days coming when food isn't only not an option it can NO longer be one.
Our support we have here and in person helps me so much and I know will continue to even more after surgery. I'm taking up crocheting again for those emotional times ... walking will again be an option after surgery. Thank goodness!
Love ya sweets