OK.... Is everyone sitting down..... NO, then do it..... RIGHT AWAY !!!
Effective this day, 05/24/05, SueG is officially, finally, uncategorically APPROVED, APPROVED, APPROVED.....

No applause, just throw SKINNY
Whooo Hoooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for all the pre insurance support, now we move on to pre surgical support. Gosh I hope I don't wear out my welcome.
Luv all of yall,
270 / ? / 140

DX I actually don't know. They sorta of do it backwards it seems. I haven't even met with Dr. King yet at all, Becky told me they had to wait on insurance approval then they would set up the appt. I faxed all the approvals to her today.
What is the normal routine for them?
Yea it will be soon because my approval is only good for 6 months then I have to start all over and I DO NOT want to go through that again.
270 / ? / 140
Hey Sue!
I didn't realize Dr. King was doing your surgery... I know Miss Becky...she's had the surgery done too. I am using the Liv Lite program too, but since my insurance changed, (can only use docs in AL) I had to switch to Dr. Adams with Liv Lite in Decatur. I will tell you from my experience, as far as your health goes, they will not leave any stone unturned, they test EVERYTHING, to make sure you will be safe for surgery. The reason I know this is I went for preop testing today.. 5 vials of blood... thought they were gonna drain me dry! LOL! Anywho, Dr. Thomas, my PCP said Dr. Adams was being very particular with my preop tests, he said he was ordering very detailed tests (Dr. Adams gave me a list of the tests he wanted done, and told me to give them to my PCP so I won't have to drive 4 hours to Decatur.. ain't that sweet!) but anyway, my PCP was really impressed because he said he is being very careful with me, and that makes me feel more secure. Liv Lite is a great program, I think so far, have they sent you an information packet? They sent me one along with a video of their previous patients, if you don't have one , just ask Becky to send you one, it was really comforting watching patients Dr. King has done and how pleased they were with everything. Dr. Adams is just as great, I don't think Liv Lite has any bad doctors.