Will I....
Oh no!!! my shoe collection!!! Guess this means shoe shopping?
I just thought of something, will our clothes know to shrink with us?
Any tips you post-ops on making them last longer, except for eatting too much
? I just returned all my clothes with the tags still hanging on them,
but had no idea what to replace them with ,
one or two or three sizes smaller? I 'll go broke (well I'm already broke,so broker) buying all new clothes in every size, I just gave away all my skinny-not- clothes ! Any other clothes horses out there like me, how did you deal with a limited wardrobe? HELP!!! -DAWN-

When I was heavy I bought really expensive clothes. I guess I thought they would make me look better. Now that I am thinner, I buy the cheap stuff! I love it. I can wear what my daughters wear now. It is so much fun!!!
Having a HUGE sale of all my old clothes soon if anyone is interested.
You sound like me I buy expensive clothes, cheap fat clothes look terriable on me.I'm intersted in your sale but vicksburg is a little too far to drive, are you haveing a yard sale or putting it on e-bay? My girls are two guess i want be sharing with them for a while!
Maybe I'll get into my sisters stuff one day size 6-8 haaaa!!! Let me know if you put it on e-bay!! thanks-dawn-