I'm in! I'm in ! I'm in!!!!!!!!
hi amy, welcome to the ms gluf coast! I don't think it will take you too long. 1st go to your pcm and tell them what you want to do and get the refferal and from there it should only be a few weeks at the most. at least that's what i here, i was already in the surgery clinic for a mass i have to get removed so i asked while i was there and they went ahead and put me in the program without a 2nd refferal for the wls! That was very nice of them, i feared i would have to go back to my pcm and start over, but i got lucky!! I hope you have good luck with them also, they all seem soooo nice! let me know when you get here and I'll give you my number and we can talk. have a safe trip. -dawn-

Hey Dawn, first of all CONGRATS!!!! on the wonderful news!!!! And not to get off the subject, but in your post you said that your children were in the NICU? So was my son, he was a 3 month preemie weighing in at 1 pound 14 ounces and has had 5 surgeries....but now is doing great and just as rotten as they come!!!! Just thought how odd that we shold have such a situation in common. Congrats again on the great news.
God Bless you and your family!!!!
Angie Bea
thanks angie, yeah all of my babies were in the nicu except one of my twins, the smallest of all she was 4lbs and 3oz that seems huge compaired to Austin!! All of mine had trouble breathing, and with fluid in there lungs, they were on the breathing machine, only a few days though . I don't envey what you went through, 2 weeks was the longest stay one of mine had. That NICU is no fun, glad it's there,but don't ever want to experince that kind of pain and fear again!!! Thanks again-dawn-
Arlis, that was pretty painless! I just ask if I could have a gastric bypass at the sametime as they remove my lyphomia(spell check), and dr Lo said YES!!!! He is going to be my surgeon,one of the others will be with him though, he's soooo cute I want to bring him home with me!!!
Don't think Donnie or his wife would like it to much, but a girl can dream!! I get to meet Dr Mann next thursday night, at my inform meeting. Lisa is very nice, i told her i heard that she was, and who all i had heard it from, she said "oh no....." . What did she mean by that?
Yeah, I'm very excited and I'm rambling so Bye-Bye for now.