I'm in! I'm in ! I'm in!!!!!!!!
hey everyone, I got the drs. ok today at keesler for wls!!!
I go next thursday night for an inform meeting and we go from there!!!
I willnot have to have to have alot of pre op testing since I'm in good health! I do have to have a biopsy tomorrow,
I have a large lyphomia(fatty Tumor) on the outside of my ribcage! Yuck! I will have that removed the sametime as my wls (assumeing its not mialigant, I have faith it's not). I'm sooooo excited, it's happening so fast!! Rhonda and Arlis you were right, Lisa is so nice,
she came in today and went over everthing with me, I don't even have to go get a refferal for my pcm isn't that cool?
I've got so many questions for you all, I can't even think
strait!!!!! 1. How long will i be laid up??
I know i will be in the hopsital for 3 days,but beond that how long before i can care for my kids? I deal with pain pretty well, I really had no time to recover form any of my 3 c-sections, I always had a baby in the NICU who needed there mommy there not at home in the bed! Is this recovery a hole differant ball game than a c-section(to those of you that have had both)? O.K. enough for now I'll ask more later! Thanks- DAWN-

Congrats Dawn! I am so happy for you! Lisa is great! Which doctor is doing your surgery? They are all great! Who knows you could get your date within the next month! Be sure to come to the support group on the 31st. You will learn a lot and you will be able to ask post op people all of your questions. As far as "laid up" in bed, you really are not ever laid up in bed. You have to get up and walk several times a day. You will not be able to lift anything over 10 pounds or so for a while in fear of developing a hernia. You will be able to care for your kids immediately just not pick up on them. You will be fine.
Call me tonight if you want to talk, as far as I know I will be home.
hey rhonda, heeeeheee! soo excited I done what i said i was when dr Lo,
(he's soo cute, and nice,and young ,he's done 8 wls! ) started talking about removing this turmor, i just ask if i could have it done at the same time as wls and he said ok, and went and got the
paper work !!! he said he and one of the other drs would be there with him helping him do the surg!! I'll get to meet Dr Mann next thursday night at the inform meeting!! I'll be at the meeting on the 31st. How long do you think it will take me to get a surg date?? E-mail me your number,I don't know what i done with it ? My number is 818-0039 (is this safe to put this here, oh well it's done ?) -dawn-

Dawn my name is Amy Pressley we are in the process of moving to Waveland my husband is active military (Navy). I havent enrolled yet. Did you have to wait a long time to get into the general surgery clinic at keesler? I have already talked to Lisa and she was great on the phone. Just wondering how long I will have to wait to get into see a surgeon after we get moved. We will be in Waveland on 1JUN05 we are coming from Maine. Congrats thank you for any help you can give me.