blood gas test
Hey Joyce!
If it doesn't hurt worse than getting an IV put in, I think I will be okay.
I heard they could stick you where you get blood drawn at at the bend in your elbow, seems it would hurt less there.
I'm not completely 100% sure about the bash, you are talking about the one in Hattiesburg right? If I can drag my husband with me I'm going, heck , I may just leave his butt at home if he won't go! I really want to go, I'll let you know when I find out something final.
well tootles
good nite!
Hey Arlies Q!
Thank you for the compliment! I really haven't thought of myself as "cute" in a really long time, heck I can't remember when I've ever thought that, but to hear someone say that makes you feel really good! Its really appreciated. The thought of feeling good about myself, just drives me that much harder to get this weight off!
When I had my daughter they put my IV in just above my wrist, it just stuck a little bit, but it didn't hurt, I had a great nurse, she stuck me once and got it. Even when I have blood drawn, they only have to stick me once, so I guess I have pretty good veins. Maybe it won't hurt to bad.
NOTHING tops having a baby ... so if anyone can survive that, I guess a little stick in the arm is nothing.
Y'all have a great evening!