New pics on profile
I put my before picture and my 12 wks post op picture on my profile. I am going to get OH to fancy up my profile and put additional pictures but that could take a few weeks. Check it out, I am proud of my 55 pounds!
It is the greatest feeling in the world to put on clothes and they are too big instead of too small. I love it!!

rhonda!!!!! Shut up, you make me sick
look at how much a differance 55lbs makes,
i'm amazed!!! I can't wait to make somebody sick too
!! keep up the good work, not that you have much else to lose! I can't wait to see you in person i will be at the keesler support group meeting on the 31st, by the way what time and where is it? I have an appt with a surgen tomorrow about the mass i have on my ribs, if he says he wants to remove it i'm going to tell him
he'll have to do my wls at the same time!!! maybe this will get the ball rolling, if not i just have to wait until the next week the26th to try and get my refferal from dr.scorintno!! I can't wait to lose 55lbs too!!! - dawn -

rhonda!!!!! Shut up, you make me sick
look at how much a differance 55lbs makes,
i'm amazed!!! I can't wait to make somebody sick too
!! keep up the good work, not that you have much else to lose! I can't wait to see you in person i will be at the keesler support group meeting on the 31st, by the way what time and where is it? I have an appt with a surgen tomorrow about the mass i have on my ribs, if he says he wants to remove it i'm going to tell him
he'll have to do my wls at the same time!!! maybe this will get the ball rolling, if not i just have to wait until the next week the26th to try and get my refferal from dr.scorintno!! I can't wait to lose 55lbs too!!! - dawn -

You are too funny. Thanks for the compliments. It will happen for you too! It is not that hard to get approved at Keesler. You don't have to go through all of this other insurance stuff that everyone else has to go through. Who do you have to see for the mass on your back? Are you going to the surgery clinic at the hospital? If so, it probably won't be one of the surgeons that does the bariatric surgery that you see. As far as the meeting, it starts at 7 pm and it is located in the hospital auditorium which is on the basement floor underneath the actual patient rooms area. If you go in where the stairs are on the outside of the hospital, you will take a right in the lobby and it is at the end of that hall. You can't miss it, just ask someone if you get lost.
hey rhonda, yeah my appt is in the general surgery clinic,his name is dr Low, i heard somewhere that he has done a few, maybe it was in my dreams!!
But i'm still gonna say something i don't want to be put to sleep twice if i can help it, and i'm pretty sure if they remove this mass i will have to be out, it's the size of a baseball!! yuck!! I let ya know what they say. later-dawn-