What a gorgeous bunch of losers!!! Christine looks beyond fantastic. I am not sure that she and Missy Lissy belonged with the rest of us roly-polies!!!! They BOTH look so skinny and gorgeous! Tiny, tiny!!!! And I did NOT even recognize Susan Hughes!!! And she got away before I could grab her. What a difference a couple of months and 50 something lbs make! WOW!!! And I got to meet my Bear!!! What a doll!!! Ya'll I am adding him to my keeper list!! And Redd Foxx - nobody told me how gorgeous you are and how well you are doing!! Jan Brown's sister was so nice and we didn't even have to gang up on her and beat her for being a skinny all her life cause she was so kind and loving to her Sissie (and to us)! Jan was her usual gorgeous self!!! And Crystal Greene! How cute you are!!! Weight problem? Doesn't look like you EVER had one!!! And I know I am leaving some folks out, but my per feeble mind can only take so much! But I do remember that Grahm is having his surgery with Dr. Whitehead on Thursday and some cute girl is having her tummy tuck this week....jealous I am of that!!! You guys are great!!! Thanks for letting me, Em, Jan and Becky crash your meeting!!! We loved it!!!

You just made my day!! You come to our meeting anytime. I am so glad you all came. You too look great! You daughter is gorgeous and seems like such a great kid!
I am glad that Jan and her sister came. They really touched me with their closeness. They almost had me in tears the way they were together. Thats a very special relationship.
Milton Graham is having his surgery Thursday--seems like a real nice guy. If yall can-give him a call at FG..
Bear does look super--Everytime I looked at him last night he was just grinning from ear to ear.. He looks great!
Rebecca is having a tummy tuck - she is a little nervous but ready. She has done really awesome too... Was it 220 pounds? Thats great!
Sandra looked great. Her clothes were almost falling off of her. She has more willpower than me to not weigh everyday. I am glad she came. I have been missing her.
As far as Missy Lissy goes... First time I went to that support meeting I instantly didnt like her skinny little self! What in the world was this tiny little person doing coming to a bariatric support meeting?!?! I am so glad I got to know her.. She is the best!
My daughter thanks you for the sugar you sent home with me!! You will be proud I DIDNT TOUCH IT! I did smell it a few times but I never opened the bag and I didnt taste it. It was hard but I resisted.
Robins little speech about getting those extra 20 pounds off made me realize that I can do it too and I am going to do my best to resist the bad things and get my butt out and exercise.
I was so happy to see you last night, Arlies.. We must get together more often. Cant wait til the 5th when we all have plenty of time to chit chat!
I sent you an email yesterday but just in case you did not receive it..... I put a check in the mail to you for my shirt. I can not tell you enough how much I appreciate you paying for my shirt. If you will let me know next week when you have it I will be glad to swing by work to pick it up from you. I ordered an XL. I also want to thank you for being such a good friend. It means alot to have someone listen to me ***** and grip. I just really really have not been myself these past few weeks. I dont know what is wrong with me. I have lost another 3 lbs. I am now down 105lbs woo hoo me. lol lol Just 23 more lbs to dr's goal but I would like to get down about 69lbs to my goal. lol lol I think you look so incrediable!!! I hope you know how beautiful you are on the inside and out. I just need something to get me out of my funk that I have been in. lol lol Oh well just wanted to thank you again for everthing. Maybe I will take a you know what test tonight or in the am to see if that is my prob. considering I am about a week late. lol lol Dont think I am but you never know. Well better go for now. Talk at you later!
P.S. I can not tell you guys how much I hate that I missed the meeting last night. Arlis my queen I hate especially that I missed you. I just know you are looking too fabulous. You keep up the good work. Along with you other gals. Missy I hope you know what an inspiration you are to all of us! I love you girl!
Hey girl, we missed you so badly at the meeting Monday night. Christine and I were lost without our third sister to be bad with us. Rebecca stood in for you, though. We were a bad influence on her.
I hate you have been feeling a little under the weather and not feeling quite like yourself. I went through a little bit of that several months after my surgery. Turns out I had crazy hormones. I had to have some hormones to get me back balanced if there is such a thing for me LOL. I do feel better though.
I really hate you can't come over and play with Christine and I on Saturday. We will try to have enough fun for you, though.
You are an inspiration to me, girl. You are always so upbeat and funny. You see all the good things about yourself and seem to have such self-confidence. I am trying harder to be that way thanks to you. I am really trying to see myself positively and not be so hard on myself about everything. I want to be able to wake up in the morning and get dressed and look in the mirror and say, Damn I am cute today. Maybe it will happen eventually LOL.
Hey Denise...I got your check yesterday. Thank you very much. I will call you the minute I get the shirts from Becky.
I am glad you are feeling better and am curious about the outcome of your test?!?!
Thank you as well for being a great friend. I will listen to you ***** anytime as long as I can ***** back... haha... I understand your frustrations and dont blame you one bit.
It was a great meeting, I wish you could have come. The speaker was good and the visiting of course is always good. Its my favorite part.
I feel incredible lately. The past 2 days I have really felt good. I finally started to lose weight again. I have lost 3 more which brings me to -103. I weighed this morning and it was 163. FINALLY! Who knows though- 2morrow it may be back up to 167. Thats my luck!
I am in a funk too-- might be something to do with where we are at this stage. I talked to someone else and at their 7th/8th month they were in a funk too. My doc put me on Lexapro and I think its helping. I am not near as irrational or moody as I have been. I am feeling a little better and not like I could cry with the drop of a hat.
Thank you for your kind words... you are very beautiful as well (inside and out)....
I AM SOOOOOO JEALOUS!!!!!! I SOOOOOOOO wanted to be there!! Believe me if I could drive I would have been there. I wanted to be there so bad......I am gonna be in Wiggins this weekend, Austin is having his 3rd birthday at my grandmothers on Sunday evening....(his b-day is actually saturday) I am soooo comming to the bash!!!
love yall!
Angie Bea
You guys come and crash our meetings any ole time. It was great seeing you again Arlies and meeting Jan. She is so lucky to have her sister in her corner fighting with her for better health. They really touched me.
Your daughter is a cutie petutie.
You made my day. Thank you so much for the compliment. You will be right there with us in no time. You are truly a beautiful person inside and out and I am glad to know you. I really can't wait for June 5th where we will all be in one place and can have plenty of time to chit chat and visit and meet each other's families we hear about all the time.
I hate Janet (Dr. Whitehead's nurse) was not at the meeting last night. She adds so much and can answer so many questions, but it was a good meeting none the less. And hey we learned some fashion tips. Can't beat that.
Smoochies right back at you!