Doing Fine
Hi everyone, I just wanted to stick my head in and let everyone know how I am doing. I have been doing very well, just trying to re-establish eating. At 10 days out from surgery I had loss 19 lbs, I don't know how much now at 3wks. today. I just know I feel good and clothes are already loose. I just got a new job
I am the new Forrest County Community Coordinator for Deep South Network for Cancer Control. So as you can see I have been a little busy and haven't had time to hardly catch my breath
Life has been good to me and my family this pass month and I cannot complain
. Can't wait to see everyone at the picnic.
Take Care

Thanks Kim. Within two weeks I had to do a interview, first try to look presentable and not look like I just came out of the hospital. I am doing pretty good but I do still get tried quick, so I know my body hasn't caught up yet. Thank god for orientations, paper work and whatever else before actually starting work. As you know this all buys me a little more time.
praise God,
praise God.
Take Care