Are you listed ?
OMG !!!
This is about your info being on the internet. D.O.B. Address, etc. Even a Sat. pix of your home. This link is just about it being on the net. From there you can go to the site. SCARY !!!!!
You should check and see just how much is listed about you.
And how many times you are listed.
Remember to put it all together with the www. !!!
Well, that's pretty funny.....Go type Arlies King in and see what you find. I found me at 4 different address - two of which I never lived is my father-in-law's former addy, but one is the addy of the funeral home where my DH's aunt's visitation was and I have never even been there. Also had my Mother listed twice. She died in 1996 and was NEVER on the internet. Then there was a bazillion more "Arlies"es from about every where!!!!! WOW!!! I should call all the Arlieses up and have a group chat!!!
Oh, well, I am not hiding from anyone, or should I be????? And so the paranoia begins......

Yes I am listed a few times lol my wife is listed from when we lived in california for a yr but not listed here at home lol. I did use the site to my advantage though. I tracked down some friends of mine in Fl that I havent talked to in 9 yrs.(lost contact and all). Called em last night and now am planning to see them in July if all goes well. So I can see the bad and the good fo the site.