Update On Insurance Roller Coaster
Well for another day in Ins. Paradise NOT !!
As for all that stuff I faxed them late Friday, they called this morning and said, The name we see on these message board postings is Suzy~Q~. I said, well yes, I don't put my name out on the internet. I have used Suzy~Q~ for years.
After that I thought to myself, hmmmm self, better be prepared. So I went to that message board site and printed off my profile, that had my city, occupation and email on it and faxed it to them for verification.
I also called my gyne. again and asked her if she had any records farther back than 2000 on weight loss etc. She dug through all my records and was able to find 2 more years worth in 1998 and 1997. So I faxed all that also.
I called this evening to see what the Dr. Reviewer said, and the nurse, Mary said that he said he would accept all of that if the insurance company would accept it. I said what on earth are you talking about, you are the insurance company, she said, no we are their reviewers and I said, well then you should have final say.
I told her that this was totally out of hand and ridiculous and I have provided them way more information than they should require. In fact, when I got their letter last Friday, NOWHERE on it does it say we need 12 months worth of stuff.
Here is what it says:
1. Post surgical protocol follow-up program with surgeon, lab work, nutritional & exercise support, what kind of support (individual / group) will be set up.
2. Notes from Nutritionist / Medically supervised Wt. Loss Program
3. Itemized documentation of previous weight loss treatments attempted and their outcomes with clinical notes supporting medically supervised attempts (Including medications / wt loss programs / notes from dietician, etc...)
I mentioned the fact that is nowhere asks for 12 months worth of info and that I want a determination made on this because there is nothing else that they could need or my next 2 phones calls would be to my human resources department and my attorney.
She said that she will have a determination for me tomorrow morning and that it looks "good, real real good"
Gosh this is exasperating to say the least.

That's what they told me ..."looks good, real good".... so that's a POSITIVE thing!! WOOHOO!!! I'm really getting tired of looking through crossed eyes, and I won't even tell you how hard it is to play the piano with crossed fingers. Bathroom breaks aren't easy either with crossed legs - so they'd better get that positive answer to you tomorrow! Not sure how much more of this I can take! LOL