Boy! I am so impressed with all of you
You all just jump to help out! Just a few questions.... What kinds of things do I need to buy from the grocery store to have on hand when I come home from surgery? Recommendations? If I go somewhere, what kinds of things should I take along? I still don't quite understand which foods are ok, and want to do the right thing, so I don't have a problem.
Looks like the Doctor is going to take me as a patient, so if my insurance pulls through, things will be rolling. Doing things long distance isnt easy! I work in Hong Kong and come back home to MS during the summers, I am a teacher... I would appreciate any tips that anyone can give me...Oh yes, my bathrooms at home both are outfitted with handicapped commodes, if you are going to change the fixture, I highly recommend buying the handicapped fixtures.
Take water or sugar-free kool=aid everywhere you go!!!!
A couple of things were life-savers for me!!! Once I was able to eat pureed food, I lived on potted meat. For about 1 1/2 months, that's about ALL I ate. Can't abide it now, tho!!!! Also the cup-a-soups are great. I still rely on them pretty heavily. And I think I have Angie Bea hooked on cup-a-soup too! The cream of chicken is the best. Make them with skim-milk to up your calcium and protein. Also sugar free popsicles from Walmart. The kind in the sack with the no-sugar symbol on them. The banana is best! At first, worry about getting your liquids in because the majority of the folks that have trouble after surgery have the trouble due to dehydration. Sipping will be your priority. When will you be home for the summer? Will you make it to the Mississippi Picnic Bash? Hope so!

Good Morning !!!
There are a few things you should have on hand for when you get home after surgery.
a) bottled water. that way you can just grab it and go. if you're not all into water, crystal lite makes one serving packs now, you just put one little pack per bottle. voila!
b) a few cans of either chicken or beef broth for the first week of your post op diet.
c)sugar free popsicles ( lifesaver!!)
d)sugar free jello
e)cottage cheese, refried beans, low fat cheese, frozen fish fillets, lowfat milk, eggs - this is for stage 2 when they allow you to add foods back to your liquid diet. all doctors are different when it comes to how long you stay on the liquid by the way.
f) protein shakes ( or powder ) as well as any and all supplements your doc wants you to take, e.g calcium citrate, chewable multi vitamins, B12 sublinguals etc.
Just ask the doc what he recommends, most programs have a printout for you to get ready.
How much of it you get is really dependent on if you have a way to get out of the house later. You'll be walking when you leave the hospital, but may not be able to drive for a few weeks.
Hope this helps
Good luck and take care

Oh yippee... I cant wait and I know you cant either. Definatly need a ball cap at the hospital. My surgeon would not allow showers and my hair got NAPPY. On Sunday I bent over in the sink and washed my hair. Staples and all. If my hair is gross I feel gross. If I had had a hat I wouldnt have had to do that.
Get plenty of stuff now cause when I ran out of stuff is when I started trying the off limit stuff. I ate sausage 7 days post op - DONT DO THIS. Make sure you have lots of stuff.
I liked Propel water and lots of SF Popsicles. I took refried beans with me everywhere in case we ended up eating with people that didnt have what I could have or what I wanted. I still have a can at work that I never ate.
Right now Wal-Mart has my favorite protein shakes on sale. If you can stock up now it would be great. In fact I am going back Weds (pay day) and buying all that they have on the shelf. THey are the 6 pack of EAS AdvantEdge Coffee House shakes. They are the only ones I like. They are normally 5.86 for a pack and right now they are 1.50 for the pack of 6. I bought half the shelf yesterday and I promise I am going to buy the rest Weds. They have 110 calories and 15g of protein and I enjoy drinking them and they are not chalky like the other ones. I drink 2 a day. They come in Cappucino, Cafe Caramel, and Mocha Latte.
Most of us here in Hattiesburg have become addicted to Sugar Free Sour IceBreakers. Melissa turned us onto them and our whole support group here always have them on hand now. Its something to keep our minds off of food. I also like the sugar free jolly ranchers. You may be one of the ones who doesnt want food after surgery but I still wanted food so these things kinda help my cravings.
Good luck to you and keep posting. We love newbies!
Cheryl-- When are you back in Mississippi?
Please plan to come to picnic in Hattiesburg on June 5th. You will get lots of support and info for upcoming WLS.
We all would love to help you get ready.
My best advice is to ween yourself off carbonated drinks, sugar, carbs.
If you drink milk get used to low fat or fat free. I use the Carb Countdown products in the dairy section.
Talk later.
Hey Cheryl
I don';t have much of a "Shopping List,"
But here's a couple of lists that can be of help.
First is the "Take to Hospital Stuff."
The Fan and Chapstick are tops of the list.
Small CD or tape player with headphones and the music that makes you dreamy or happy.
I listened to Garrison Keillor book on tape.
Baby wipes also head the list as do those-
dental sponges for washing your teeth withou****er or toothpaste.
(I'm sorry that I can't remember the product name, but they were great.)
While your at the hospital "snag-up" some of those little 1oz pill cups they always bring your meds in.
Back at home they are instant measuring devices.
I also brought a couple of extra pillows from home, propped them under my arms at the elbows.
Don't think I could have slept, even on the morphine without them.
Go ahead and get the rubber coated baby spoons, and some of the small Glad disposable
Tupperware-like containers.
Once you move to yogurt and cream soups, you won't be able to use up a full container in a day.
I'd just plop a can of tomato soup into the container, take out the large table spoon of it to put in a bowl, add the water to the bowl and throw it in the microwave. Put a date on the lid of the Glad Container and pop it in the fridge.
That way I wasn't re-heating the same thinned down soup again and again. And I also knew what I should eat before I opened another can of something.
Don't worry about the baby spoon staining.
For some reason the soft rubber coated ones, stain at the touch of tomato soup.
Just wa**** with a little baking soda and throw it in with the rest of the dishes.
It may look a touch dingy, but it's clean.
Large heating pad was helpful at home. The hospital would not let me use my own, but they provided one.
There will be that sticky residue from the tape for your IV. I was in the hospital for quite a while, so it became an issue. Those fingernail polish remover pads worked great. Just make sure to wash the site thoroughly after and use some good lotion, the acetone in fingernail polish remover can really dry out a patch of skin.
The SF Popsicyles were wonderful, so was the SF Jell-O in the little pre-made cups.
The most important thing however is an advocate. A spouse or family member who can see to it that you are getting excellent care.
Those poor nurses are run ragged going from room to room, and even when you have the best floor staff in the world, typically they are stretched thin by understaffing. Having some one there to ask-
"The pain meds for this room were due and were asked for 20 minutes ago, is there something that could be done to expedite this?
"Is the Dr. on the floor yet?
"There seems to be some new redness and swelling around the IV site. Could you come look at this?
The bed dressing in this room wasn't changed this morning as it usually is, is there someone we should call?
Someone how is calm, of a sweet disposition, rational, and Who loves You! Is the greatest thing to have at the hospital.
You will then be more than a blinking light on the panel to a staff member who is already facing a row of them and each case may be a life and death situation.
OK that's everything that I remember being super grateful that I had.
I'm sure others will be coming-
Second is some stuff that folks out on the
Main Board have found to be Great Products-
Started a Poll earlier to get some "Cross-Pollination" of Favorite things.
What Product?-
...Food Item / Ingredient,
...Skin Care,
...Hair / Scalp Care,
Have you found as a Post-Op that you have been Happy with?
Particularly things that you never used before.
Well so far, this is the list, But surely there are others?
What are they????????
Items That-
Supply your added Protein?
Make getting Water Easier?
Help reduce scars?
Save you Money for Plastic Surgery in the Future?
Satisfy Cravings?
Show off your new Physique?
Make exercise fun/easier?
Review this list and add the things that have been left off!
1.) Flaxseed, Ground Flaxseed Meal, Golden or Brown
(Guess Who?
2.) Splenda - several folks listed it.
(One in particular has started a Club for Splenda Lovers)
3.) South Beach Diet Cereal bars (I'm hunting them at my grocer's Tonight!)
4.) Crystal Lite Sunrise Orange got multiple praises,
Particularly when mixed with Nectar Caribbean Cooler
And also the-Crystal Lite Ruby Red Sunrise
5.) Unjury Chocolate Protein has a few fans
6.) As does the SynTax Roadside Lemonade
7.) Fruit Refreshers, sold at "Fred's"
I stopped by earlier, and my Fred's doesn't carry them
8.) The B&G Sugar Free Sweet Gherkin Pickles and the Mount Olive Brand.
Bought some earlier and I'm having one with dinner this evening.
9.) Yogurt made the list. (I'm particularly fond of Carb Control Fit-n-Lite)
But I also like the suggested- Blue Bunny Carb Countdown Vanilla Creme Yogurt
10.) Apple Fruit2-0 got a bid, (I haven't enjoyed Fruit2-O yet, but will try Apple)
11.) Dreamfield Pasta
12.) Trader Joe's Soy Crisps (doubly recommended) and-Eatsmart brand Soy Crisps
13.) Lentils
14.) Dried Plums
15.) Beneprotien, Unflavored GenSoy Whey Protein (My Favorite)
16.) String Cheese (OF COURSE!!)
17.) Top Shelf Olive Oils (good and good for you)
18.) Smar****er (Also a favorite of mine)
19.) Beef Nuggets, Beef Jerky, Turkey Jerky, Slim Jims, etc... All ready dried meat!
20.) Havarti Cheese (I lived on it early on!)
21.) EAS Myoplex Carb Sense in Cafe Caramel RTD
22.) No Pudge Strawberry Eclair ice cream bars
23.) Power Crunch Bars (in Triple Chocolate)
24.) Matrix 5.0 Chocolate Protein Shake and Carb Countdown Milk
25.) Cottage Cheese, of every description
(I think the fondness for it is surgically implanted during WLS)
26.) SF Jell-O, particularly when used with Lite Cool Whip
27.) In fact ALL Sugar Free-Fat Free Jell-O Products! (the CheeseCake......ymmm)
28.) Sugar Free Fudge Sicles
1.) Chicken headed the List, particularly Rotisserie cooked.
2.) Fish, of all sorts including Shrimp
3.) Filet mignon
....................(Carnivores?) ..........Ok-
4.) Eggs, Cheeses,
5.) Asparagus was the only Veggie to make the list!
And then only cooked a certain way!
Foreman Grill, Crock Pots, Food Processors, and also a nod or two for Marinating.
1.) Garnier Fructis 2-in-1 Dandruff Shampoo Plus Conditioner (I use this Too!)
2.) Palmers Cocoa Butter Lotion
3.) "Bath and body works thick lotion in the blue container." In the absence of a name.
4.) Tea Tree shampoo and conditioner
5.) Johnson & Johnson Lotion for Dry Skin
6.) Finesse Shampoo, Rinse, & Mousse
7.) Biotin
8.) Neutrogena Regenerist Lotion
9.) Gold Bond cream lotion
10.) HiProPac Hair Conditioner
11.) Oil of Olay Quench Lotion for Extra Dry Skin (My Wife's Favorite)
12.) Neutrogena Moisturizing Shampoo
13.) Infusion 23 Leave-In Conditioner
Running Shoes (New Balance 991's ), SF Lifesavers, Corrine Netzger's Complete Book of Food Values,
Juniors size 9 clothes, Wonder Lift Bra by Benefit, Solaray Vitamins,
Tropical Oasis Calcium Citrate (liquid),
MY PERSONNEL FAVORITES- that I didn't mention-
1.) Textured Vegetable Protein!
2.) Krusteaz CarbSimple Products
3.) Exer-Bands
4.) Gold's Gym- Flex Iron 2.5 lb Ankle Weights
(Thanks to my Physical Therapist!)
So Keep adding on!
Pass on your "Special Finds!"
Thanks Cheryl for the "Re-Do The Bathroom"
I'm re-tiling one this month,
And I never even thought of Hadi-Cap features.
I'll look into it!
Best Wishes-

I am sorry, I will not come in in time to go to the picnic. I should arrive on June 25th in New Orleans and am hopeful to have an appointment that next week and then surgery(fingers crossed). It will be a real push but I have to stay for 10 weeks post op (promise to the doc) I think that is a lot for lap surgery, but he is afraid for me to fly home too soon if I get into trouble. I am excited, looking forward to getting off this weight and being normal in a place (asia) where when you are a size 20-22 you cannot even fit into the seat on the bus, airplane belts are too small, etc.
But I take heart in that Asians are now getting fat too! LOL!
Hello Cheryl, I am a retired teacher in Brookhaven,MS. I hope you will call me when you get home. I am still waiting for my surgery so maybe we can plan together. Where are you going to have your surgery? Who will be your surgeon? I would love to take you to the support meeting in Jackson at UMC. You will find that this is the best place to learn everything about surgery. I am so glad you are on the MS board with us. Sorry this is so late but I just got on line for the day. Welcome, Smiles, Jan

Jan, I will be happy to call you. I am going to have my surgery in Ocean Springs with Dr. Avara. I have a couple of friends who had surgery there and felt he was very good. I am planning to have surgery the week that I come in, because I have to wait 10 weeks post op to return to school in Hong Kong. So, I cannot afford to waste a minute of time, in order to get in the 10 weeks and still make it back to work.
Love to talk to you, will email my telephone number when I come home!