All you members who heard Tina tell the story of throwing up at the Chinese restaurant and heard me say, "Oh, never could I do that." Well, the worst has happened.
Last week while hubby and I were staying at the fabulous Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, I ate a piece of lobster that did not want to be eaten, I presume. Well, he came right back up in one of the finest restaurants in the hotel. My poor hubby was so embarassed. Then to make matters worse, the dry heaving started and I had to be escorted out of the restaurant with a dinner napkin and my body trying to hurl. YOU TALK ABOUT EMBARASSING MOMENTS, this is it for me. I hope no one on here was there and saw me!!!!
What's your most embarassing moment so far?? If you don't have one, trust me, you will!
Love y'all,
Oh, Kitsy, I bet the restuarant was more embarrassed than you. They probably thought they poisoned you!!! Girl, stuff happens. I am very hard to embarrass and have not had any since surgery - all my OOPS have been at home!!! But not to worry, we love your drying heaving LITTLE body to bits!

I don't eat at resturants. My biggest problem is at dinner at church. They watch what I put on my plate and offer me more.
The other hardest tjhing is to resist a beverage w/ meal at relative's home.
They want me to have a "good glass of sweet tea" with what I'm eating.
Are you coming to the picnic? Please come.
See Becky's post on t-shirts. She and Dix have done a great job.