June 5th Picnic Info???
Hey Folks
About our Picnic.........
Some one give me the full-
"Get to the Picnic for Dummies" Version.
Kamper Park?
11:00 Sunday, June 5th....
But where is Kamper Park?
City/Town? Off of what exit and such.
I only know my way from Oxford to Tupelo,
The rest of the State is a Mystery to me.
I told folks at my Support Group Last night to
Hop on line to the State Board and check it out.
Some of them you may know.
A few of them said they used to be
Regulars on the Board but haven't been on in the last year
Even to update their profiles.
Maybe we can get our lost sheep back into the herd.
Best Wishes-

It is in Hattiesburg. I am going to get my husband to do some directions on how to get to Kamper Park once you get to Hattiesburg. I am terrible with directions. My mom used to say I would get lost in a paper sack and not be able to find my way out LOL. Once he gets them done I will post them. I am not from Mississippi either so that doesn't help my direction giving any. I grew up in Alabama and moved here in 1997 and haven't really been anywhere but Hattiesburg and the coast in MS. But my dear hubby can find his way anywhere so we are in good hands.
You are just gonna have to use mapquest.com or wait on Missys hubby...
I tried to pull it up for you but I dont know where you are starting at. I was able to post to Arlies and Rhonda... I can tell already you are gonna get the "DIFFICULT" Award.
From what I could tell though that is going to be a good long drive for you. But it will be worth it to meet ME (and everyone else I suppose)....
The park is in the vacinity of the 1200 block of Hardy St.