Hey I have a question for everyone. I am gonna be 3 months out on Tues and my birthday is on the 11th. Does anyone have any ideas on anything to do down here? (oh I am in Biloxi) Can I drink? anything?? I hope so I will be 25 and I want to drink something I have been tempted but I am scared to try cause I don't want to get sick. I have been doing very good. I have not gotten sick yet. Any ideas would be great.

I have read on other boards where alcohol has alot of sugar and should be avoided till at least 6 months and then only wine till after a Year then alcohol as can be tolerated but they do discourage it. I am sorry to have to tell you this on your bday and all but just wanted to pass on what I have heard. Have a great Birthday anyway.
Hi Iris..
You are just a young thing!! Old Fart here...I have drank since my surgery. I have had no problems other than it hits me really quick. I dont do beer well because it fills me up so fast and I am miserable. I drink White Zinfandel and/or do shots of cinnamon schnaps. I will pre warn you though that IT REALLY DOE**** YOU FAST. 1 shot and I am lit... seriously. I can sip on a glass of wine for a little bit and do okay. I can feel it but not be sloppy like I am if I do shots. I have also had buttery nipples.. they have sugar in them for sure but I havent had problems with them. Obviously its not alot.
If you do too much they will have to put you in your truck at 10:30 and have your husband come get you.... wait thats me... haha...
Seriously -- a little goes a long way. My surgeon said it was okay to have some here and there but know that it doe**** our livers quicker and harder than before. I wouldnt make it a daily habit.
I have never been a big drinker but I am the life of the party nowadays. I was put on shot restriction by my friends. They told me the other night that it was 1a and that I could now have a shot! Woohoo.. I was too tired by that point--decided I would drive everyone home.
Have fun bu****ch your limits..
I am so glad this question came up about the drinking.
I have been wanting to know but was too chicken
to ask. I wanted to drink so bad when we were at
Talladega but was too scared I would get sick and
didn't want to do that away from home. Anyway
now that I know maybe I'll try a little.
Thanks a bunch for the new info and watch those shots....