Cross fingers for my baby!!
My daughter, Emily (8), auditioned today for the new Treehouse Players play, Wonderland... based on Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass... Last year she auditioned for The Enchantment of Beauty and The Beast and got a part as a Les Enfant (village girl)... This year she was a little less nervous and I think she did so good. She sang the theme song from Kim Possible.....(not my choice but she did good)... One little girl got up there and started and then started crying. Bless her heart. This is not some rinky dink play -- this is a big deal production for our kids here in Hattiesburg.
The have auditioned about 125 and only 75 get cast.... please cross your fingers that my baby gets a part!
I wanted her to sing Youve got a friend in me from Toy Story but she thought it was just too slow. So at the last minute we changed songs. Her daddy and her stayed up pretty late last night getting some dance moves together for it.
Everyone will have to come and watch the show in July... Too bad Dex doesnt live here... We could use his talent on the set.
-100 (166)
(YES - FINALLY) I made the century club!!
I emailed you this morning telling you to wish us luck! Kinda waited til the last minute, didnt I---haha... It kinda had me a little stressed out. I am glad the audition is over. She couldnt sleep last night. She came to me this morning at 5:49a to tell me she had been up all night... She is sound asleep now and has been for several hours.
Girl, you have to bring Catherine too.. She would love it. We just wont let anyone give her sugar before yall come... haha...
Fixing to go bowling... talk to you later!!
PS... Did you see me!! -100!! Go me go me go me.. I weigh 4 pounds less than my boney husband. I have always worn his socks even though he disapproved... but now I wear his drawers.. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
That is so funny. I have always worn John's socks and it would always be the pair he was looking for and he would get so ill. But honey even though I could wear his drawers, I don't want to. Too much noise comes from those drawers especially if he has Mexican food. He would kill me for saying all that LOL. I think he and our son see who can do the loudest one. Catherine and I just roll our eyes leave the room LOL.
I hear someone has lost 100 pounds. Go you, go you, go you. Yeah, Christine!!
Hey Christine !
Another moviestar in the making huh? I know you must be proud of her, and I hope it all goes well for the play. I myself have two active little actresses, they belong to the local Actor's League and have been in two plays so far, although cast in the chorus rather than in main roles, the plays are a big deal in our town as well and these girls and guys are being recognized all over town since they started appearing in the plays ( so far they've done "Oliver" based on Oliver Twist and a musical, "Hello Dolly").
I know your little one has butterflies now, but once she gets past the stagefright and gets into the acting, boy is she going to be all OUT THERE !!
My two are such open kids now, it's helped them with becoming a lot more secure and outgoing, not that they weren't before but now they're just bubbling over with personality
So give your little actress a lot of loving and hugs and tell her to "break a leg", as those actors wish upon each other and she'll be fine
Take care........ miss 100 LBS!! You're doing so well!! Wohooo !!