Dr Vick from UMC
Dr Vick is just finishing up his surgery years a nd going to graduate. He is good and very nice. His wife is 2nd year surgery resident and also doctored me some. Of course they can't be over 30 or so. THey are young but I trust Dr Salemeh completely to trust Dr Vick. A Dr Dolan a lso doctored me a lot. I like hin and another one I don't remember his name.
I was using Dr Blake and the next step was getting my appt for surgery. I had surgery on April 4th so it didn't take me too long.
I am doing better and want to do more around here. I am getting there.
Thanks Jane for the news on Dr. Vick !!!!!!!
I'm sure alot of Dr. B's "cast offs" will be tickled to learn a little more about him. Now maybe there will be a little light at the end of their tunnel, and things will look up for them.
I know it will make alot of Dr. S's patients happy also. Those that have been waiting just to get in for the first visit, may get an appointment now. Instead of the 6-12 month wait like they were told.
God does work things out for everyone !!!
I'm so happy that you are better. Try to take it easy while you can.