Dr. Blake Patient's Questions
Hey Jan,
I was told about this new doctor by an UMC employee. I'll I know is that his name is Dr. Vick and he starts in July. He'll be taking up the slack due to Dr. Blake's leaving.
I went yesterday for my Sleep Study results & I'm in a "gray" area. I never stopped breathing, but my breathing did get shallow about 42 times an hour. However, it never affected my BP, Heart Rate, Brain Waves, Oxygen Levels or anything.
So.... No Cpap for me !!!
So, I was cleared from that step. Now, as far as I know.... I'm done. Which I'm sure they will do an EKG on me before surgery. But, I'm tickled maybe I'll get a date soon. Keeping fingers crossed & prayers being said !!!
Maybe you'll get thrown in the mix before too long. I hope so.
I know how hard this waiting is. Trust me !!!
I'd try to get my name in the hat to see this new doctor on his very first day. Let's make sure that he is broke in right !!! People need him and are depending on him.
I'll try to find out more info on him. If I do, I'll let everyone know about it.
Because we all have to stand together through this.

Hey Girlie,
I know you were right there at it and then........ poof !!!
Broke my heart to see you so sad and hurt.
But I really think that it all worked out for the best.
Blessings usually happen in ways that we don't "see" until later.
Anyways, at least now your a happy loser !!!

Hey Cheryl KING,
My name is Arlies King! I go by Arlies Q because Q stands for Queen - after, all, I married the King!!!
I had surgery at Keesler! So did Rhonda Glantz! You are in the best possible hands EVER!!! I love my docs there! Dr. Jenkins is the commander of the surgery flight and he was my main Doc. Girl they are wonderful!!! Email me your phone number and we will talk! You can ask Lisa (the bariatric nurse) about me. She has my permission to give out my name, email, phone, etc to other bariatric patients. Who will be your Doc? Dr. Mann is great as is Dr. Dolan, Dr. Jackson, etc. I LOVE them all!