Newbie With Questions
Hi everyone: I've just signed up and am very excited about this site. I've just begun the process of hopefully being approved for WLS. My preop tests begin May 6. My only problem is - I have Medicare as primary right now, but on July 1, it will become secondary because of my husband's change of job and new insurance policy. I'm hoping everything can be approved before then - otherwise, the new insurance does not cover WLS and I'll be out of luck.
This is my third time to check into WLS. The first two ended up with Blue Cross turning me down after several appeals. This is my last chance and I pray that the third time is really the charm for me this time.
Does anyone know how long it takes Medicare to approve or disapprove? Also, does Medicare pay for the psych evaluation?
I'd appreciate your input. Thanks!
Hi Rebecca,
I had mediccare when I had surgery. And yes they paid for my psych evaluation.
My Dr didn't have any problem with medicare approving me. I filled out the first paper work in April of last year, and in May I was already getting my tests that is necessary before you can see the surgeon. I had surgery Sept but would have been in Aug if it wasnt for a EKG being abnormal and having to get a letter of clearence for a heart dr before surgery could be scheduled again.
Good Luck,
I can't answer your questions about Medicare's approval process, but I just wanted to say welcome. I would also like to tell you about a Weight Loss Surgery Bash/Picnic we are having in Hattiesburg on June 5th at Kamper Park and Zoo. A few of us have rented the pavilion there and we are having a covered dish picnic with door prizes and lots of fun. We hope everyone on here gets to come so we can all meet each other finally. We will posting all the details as soon as we get it all ironed out so make sure to check the boards often for details. We are all like family on here and give each other lots of support and we share information with each other as well. You could learn alot by attending the picnic. You would have a whole crowd to get answers to your questions from. We are all very willing to share what we know as well as our own personal experiences we have had throughout our journeys. Good luck to you!
Melissa Taylor
Lap Rny 1/15/04
-141 pounds
277 to 136 (in maintainance now)
Hi Rebecca..Welcome to your new home away from home (well your new home inside your old home)
We are a very small group and we all get along great and love new friends!
I do not know much about the medicare. My insurance paid for mine after much fighting with them. I know how you feel about getting those denials.
Even if medicare or your new insurance doesnt pay-- I hear vocational rehab is pretty good at paying for this surgery. I dont think they will pay for your preop stuff but maybe your insurance or Medicare will. I used voc rehab to pay for my out of pocket at the hospital. I never recieved 1 bill. My surgery cost me $250.00 copay to hosp, $20.00 copay to surgeon, and I had to pay for my psyc exam ..368.00 (I think).
NEVER EVER GIVE UP! Eventually it will happen. Some of our friends here waited 2 years or more. It can get stressful but its worth it!
Welcome and hope you post often...
Hey girl!!! Welcome to the family!!! We are so glad to have you and hope you will post often and long!!!
I have medicare now, but don't know how it works. My hubby is retired military so I had my surgery at Keesler in Jan. Where is Dr. Kennedy located? She's a new name to me. Holler if we can help you out. SO glad to meet you.
Smoochies & Hugs
PS Don't listen to the others, I AM THE Queen