Donna Looser update
I'm still sending prayers,
But maybe I have something else to send.
Your wounds?
Do you have to re-dress them "Wet-to-Dry?"
I playerd that game for 5 months.
As a result I have un-opened Gauze packs,
A Lot!
Enough to Build a room on to the house!
Still un-opened and sterile.
Could you use some?
e-mail me a postal addres and I send you a ton.
It'll save you from having to keep buying supplies.
I'm also pretty sure I have a lot of Sterile gloves, and
NormaGel, Saline Gel for keeping wounds healing.
No Saline,
Used that all up and that stuff is hard to come by in a pinch.
Got gauze, 4 and 8 ply Gauzer "Sponges" or pads really,
as well as "curlex" rolls.
Let me know if I can help out.
Just so good to know you're Home!!
Best Wishes-