WLS Bash T-shirts

on 4/21/05 3:11 am - laurel, MS
We have a designer!!! Dx E!!!!! The best person for the task!!! He graciously volunteered!!! I thought we could place orders through a person or persons at the support group meetings, and then several people could go and order for the group from the site collectors. . WE need to get this by the middle of May. I will have some prices to compare w/ those Yall come up with. Lets post those prices and compare by April 30??? What do you think?? Sorry about deadlines but I am compulsive about schedules. Love yall.
Dx E
on 4/23/05 2:16 am - Northern, MS
Glenda, I'm working on a few different designs And will send them out as JPG images so that people can Have input as to which they prefer. I should have them out to the board by monday evening. Best Wishes- Dx
on 4/25/05 3:58 am - laurel, MS
Sounds great!!! So kind of you to do this.
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