Repost from Main Board
Computer Talk:
AMOS....Association for Morbid Obesity Support
BBL.......Be Back Later
BI.........Breast Implants (PS Term)
BIL.....Brother In Law
BL......Belt Lipectomy (PS Term)
BRB.....Be Right Back
BT......Butt Tuck (PS Term)
BTDT....Been There. Done That.
BTW.....By The Way
CBL.....Circumferential Body Lift (PS Term)
CC......Carb Countdown (product brand name)
DD......Dear/Darling Daughter
DH......Dear/Darling Husband/Hubby
DIL.....Daughter In Law
DS......Dear/Darling Son or Duodenal Switch
DW......Dear/Darling Wife
FF......Fat Free
FIL.....Father In Law
GL......Good Luck
GMTA....Great Minds Think Alike
GTG.....Got To Go
IMHO....In My Honest Opinion
JK......Just Kidding
LBL.....Lower Body Lift (PS Term)
LMAO....Laughing My A$$ Off
LOL.....Laughing Out Loud
MIL.....Mother In Law
NP......No problem
OH......Obesity Help
OMG.....Oh My God
OT......Off Topic (not related to weight loss or obesity issues)
PCOS....Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome
PITA....Pain In The A$$
PMP.....Peeing My Pants
RL......Real Life
ROFL....Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLMAO.Rolling On Floor Laughing My A$$ Off
RT......Real Time
SF......Sugar Free
SIL.....Sister/Son In Law
TBC.....To Be Continued
TL......Thigh Lift (PS Term)
TMI.....Too Much Information
TT......Tummy Tuck (PS Term)
TTFN....Ta-Ta For Now
TTYL....Talk To You Later
TY......Thank You
TYVM....Thank You Very Much
WB......Welcome Back
WTG.....Way To Go
YMMV....Your Mileage May Vary
YW......You're Welcome
This is too cute !!! But a BIG help to those of us lost in lingo at times.
Please post any others that you may have or know of.

I've been hiding out. Mainly just reading post. I guess I really haven't had too much to say. Plus, I've had a head cold. That time of year.
The goo is gone !!! Thank God !!!
However, I still have little hicky like marks on my neck and breast from the tape they pulled (yanked) off of me.
I guess I'm a "real peach".