Checking in
Hello everyone. Just checking in. I am still doing pretty well. I have had a couple of humbling experiences as I get a little braver with different foods. Sometimes I still enjoy a nice, smooth soup! I did grill steak for the first time this week. I took extra care to marinade it well and cook it slowly so that it would be very tender and MAAANNNN was it good!!! - All 2 oz of it! Down about 45 pounds. I am sometimes feeling a little tired on my busier days, but nothing too bad. Take care, James.
PS I think I finally worked out the picture thing. This is a picture of one of my fav-o-rite past times! james.
Hey you dont look psyco at all!!!
Your doing great...Are you taking a B12 sublingual or shot? I got real sleepy for awhile until I started getting my shot.
I bet that steak was good.. U got my mouth watering for it. Are you going to be able to come to the Mississippi Bash with us?
Take care and keep up the good work!
Hello James,
It was great meeting you for the first time at the Meridian Support Group Meeting. I enjoy meeting new peeps and sharing info with one another.
Wow you are doing so well. I bet that steak was good. I didn't even attempt stea****il I was about 6 months out. MS GROUCH THE POUCH didn't like food very well in the beginning. And at times now she closes up and refuses to eat.. It's hard for me to believe that something so small can make this Big (not as big 7 months ago) do what it wants her to do.
Take Care,

hey phsyco doc!! you look great and CONGRATS!!!! on the tremendous weight loss!!!! I cant wait to join you in LESS THAN 2 WEEKS!!!! MAY 2ND!!! to be exact. After my surgery and i get home i will contact you about my apt. cause my mom or aunt will prob have to bring me. I like your hat! I love those fisher hats, austin has one just about the same color with winnie-the-pooh and tigger on it...he wears it when we go fishing or out in the sun....
God Bless,
Angie Bea
t - 12 days and counting down!!!
Is that a fishing hat??? Man, Em can put you to shame fishing! She uses cheap, garlicy hotdogs and pulls in one bream after another. Last time we went fishing I caught 1 keeper and she caught 19 keepers. I threatened to hold her head under water for a while!!! lol....
I still eat LOTS of soup!! Cup-a-soup fits real well and sometimes it is breakfast, lunch and supper!!!
Steak is but a mere dream...I have great difficulty with meats, but love cheese and milk so am doing okay on that!!!