Prayers for my sister
Hi yall.. For those who dont know my sister has been doing everything she can to get this surgery. Everything was sent in to insurance and she has a pending authorization number. They have requested a stronger letter from her shrink and that is all.
However; her husband was laid off yesterday and their insurance will be cancelled at the end of the month. She is very upset about this and is at her wits end. Her insurance thru her work is BCBS of MS and we all know what their deal is.
Keep her in your prayers. She is going to check on COBRA but we all know how very expensive it is. They just bought a brand new van and her 1st van note is due. So, I dont know if they will be able to do it or not.
Please pray for her that she can get the cobra and get the surgery in May...
Thanks yall!
Oh man, I can't believe that. You and I were just talking yesterday about how good things looked and how excited she was getting. I really hope things work out for her to get this surgery. Maybe she can swing the COBRA long enough to get it done. I will say a prayer for her. I will have to give her a big ole hug Monday night.
Hey.. I got your message yesterday but I was so busy with her that I didnt get a chance to call you back. I DO want to talk to your husband about what we talked about. About 5 people were being let go and we were all kinda on edge cause its all done so secretly--a few of us got wind of it and we went to our boss. Everyone in my dept was scared we could be some of them. Luckily it doesnt look like we were and my boss assured us that we werent in danger. I will explain more to you later.
Bethanys husband worked for the paper with me. We knew the insurance would cover it. I so hope she can get that COBRA but I worry that when they find out shes on COBRA they definatly wont pay for it. I just wish she could get approved and have the surgery before the end of the month when insurance expires. FAT CHANCE on that though. She is okay today and her husband got his old job back so at least he has a job but they dont know what insurance that is and if they will even cover it. Even if it does, she has to wait 3 mos before they can get it and by then school will be back in so she would have to wait until Christmas break or something. She said she would pay Dr. Whitehead cash if voc rehab would take care of the hospital. I guess we will see what happens. She was just SOOO close.
She is looking forward to the meeting. Cant wait to see yall then! Bring some new pics of the baby if you cant snatch him away.
Woohoo.. yall I havent been at 168 in a LONG time.. It feels good. My original goal was 160 but I am thinking of changing to 154. That will put me in the normal range. 160 still leaves me overweight.
It shouldn't make a difference with the COBRA. They have to treat her like any other insured or they could get into trouble. So when evaluating her case they should use the same guidelines as if nothing happened. COBRA is expensive but it may be worth it to take it long enough to get this done so she doesn't have to start all over. I want her to be able to do this. She is so excited and ready to start a new healthy life. Everything happens in God's time. So if it is meant to be he will open a door and show her the way. Hanging in there while you wait for a door to open is hard. I know I am impatient when I want something.
Congrats on your weight loss. You go girl. You looked really small Friday when I met you for lunch.
We will talk at the meeting tonight.

Thanks yall... She seems much better today. She is much calmer than I would be. Hopefully the ball is rolling on getting her shrink moving to get the new letter and hopefully he will have the letter to insurance by Friday. Yall keep the prayers going though. I think she got a very positive vibe from our meeting tonight!