the G.E.D!
well it took longer than i had planed but i finaly got my test over with today! i dont think i did all that well on the math part but i'll find out in a few weeks. now comes the realy hard part! waiting the 2 to 3 weeks it takes to get the results.i think i might have failed the writing part too i was supost to write an esay on something or someone i once disliked but now like and tell why... all i could think about was green beans! i hated them as a kid but now i eat them alot! we get failed if we dont stay on topic and looking back my esay was more about me n my mom fighting over my not eating the green beans! i wish they would have given us a choice of topics to write about.well i'll be lurking around here and let everyone know when i get my results in
I betcha did fine. My DH always says he failed or did awful on tests, but when he gets them back, he usually has done better than most everybody. Hopefully, it will go the same with you! I am proud of you for trying and if worst comes to worst, you can re-take it. BTW, I have a degree in math if you need some help!!!! (and will be probably moving to Ridgeland in June)

Arlies! Moving to Ridgeland?????? WOOHOO!! We'll be neighbors!
Infact, I am the Minister of Music at Ridgeland First United Methodist Church!
How could we be so lucky to have someone like you moving to our neck of the woods? We can just play and play all day long!
Tee hee hee - I'm giddy!


Hi Frances,
don't worry so much about it, I'm sure you probably did fine. And as Arlies already said, you can always take it over, normally they wouldnt even let you take the test if they didn't think you're ready.
I'll bet you aced it !!!
Lurk all you want and feel free to post anytime, we're glad to hear from everyone!! Even if its about green beans ( love them, by the way!! )
