I passed! I passed!
I'm not a nut afterall! I must say that I really really liked Dr. Hawks. I handled everything very well - even talking about my trauma and anxiety issues. She knew just how to handle me. There were times where I felt like I was holding on by a thread and would burst into tears at any moment, but I didn't! WOOHOO!!!
Getting home was a different story - went strait for the chocolate, after stopping by McDonalds for dinner (Yuk) and then had several crying spells that just kinda took me by surprise. I really wasn't expecting that reaction. I think it has just been so long since I've really talked in detail about Hannah and how her birth/death effected me in so many ways I was kinda thrown back there for a while. Make sense? Anyway - that is the one thing that Dr. Hawks said she didn't want to do, but I feel like tonite was a healthy, cleansing cry. I think you just gotta do it sometimes! LOL I'm also having anxiety about going on my trip tomorrow and leaving my children, especially my 1 year old all weekend! I usually look SO forward to this every year, but not this year. I think I have worse separation anxiety than she does! LOL Anyway - point is that I think that is contributing to my strange mood and emotions tonight.
Thanks for letting me talk it out -
I'm just SO excited that I've passed another hurdle and on my way to permanent approval!

kimberly hun my heart aches for you!! I to hae had a trauma with a child, my son was born at 27 weeks gestation and weighed in at 1 pound 14 ounces, but by the power of prayer, gods guidance of the doctors hands, he made it thru 5 surgeries and 9 1\2 months in the neonatal intensive care unit. I thought after all that, going to a crazy doctor, I would be stamped in big bold red letters across the forehead NUTZ and shipped down the street from my house to Whitfield (i literally live down the street from the actual nut house! "go figure!!") So if you ever need anyone to talk to just drop me a line and ill give ya my digits or your can give me your or just email me and well chat that way, which ever your most comfortable with. Please feel free to contact me at anytime for anything im always willing to listen.
God Be With You!
Angie Bea