All Right Folks I call MS Voc and they sent me a letter stating that they don't pay for prelimary visits and lab fees and that basically when the surgeon says that i'm ready for sugery call then and only then is the time for me to call them to set up an appointment for services.. if its available and that there was no guareentee of that.
The icing on the cake is i've approached my new PCP about this situation and she agrees that i'm a great candiate for it. but every time I ask for a referral she is always stalling and putting it off. I did blood work on the first visit with her. Got my results back last week.. and when I asked again for the referrl she's like well.. lets wait and see how this works (meds for my high blood pressure) and then we will talk referrals.. she keeps refering to the fact that I have to have a medically supervised diet.. blah blah blah HELLO isn't she the doc.. she hasn't even refered me to a dietation or anything. So i'm thinking I might need to go to another PCP because seems to me she's a company doc and that she is trying to milk me for every cent I have. Have any of you ever had this problem?
Bear a while ago you said you would give me names of some great PCP's around the MS Gulf Coast Area.. i'd be so pleased if you'd give it to me. THanks for all of your help as always.
Bathsheba please start walking and looking for another Dr. She is doing just what you said. My 1st Dr. did the same thing, she just didn't believe in this kind surgery. So I
looked and found another Dr. who understood and was willing to work with me. Another thing how do your Dr. know if your Insurance or surgeon require medically supervised diets? Sometimes your co-mobidities, BMI, and your word of the numberous diet attempts you've tried is all that is required. Plus with all of her staling you could be doing just that. Sorry about Voc. mind was a little different. Someone else was talking about the same thing and I can't believe this. But do contact them because they be trying to give the money away sometimes. So don't give up by no means
Take Care

Dr. Charles Gruich is one he is in Biloxi. at the corner of pass rd and beauvoir(sp) across from gas station in building under the trees. The other one is Dr. Mary Rosenquist. She is in d'Iberville and is a great dr she was my last dr before I left the coast. Hope these will help you out.
Sorry it took so long to respond.
Hey girlie!
Good to hear from you!
I hate that run-around business. I think part of the unstated testing for WLS is called "how far can he/she be pushed before they go off the deep end?" It sure seems that way. And in my time, I have learned that God's favorite lesson to teach is patience.... Looks like a new Doc is in order. Keep us posted on your trials and tribulations. ALL of us can sympathize. We love you, girl! Hang in there!