Update on Randall!

Whew! Boy, he sounded rough, but I guess he was just tired of it!!! I know about God and His miracles. I am married to one. In July of 2003, Jim was diagnosed with colon and liver cancer. His liver was so engulfed in cancer that operating wasn't an option and we were basically told this is it folks. (They did remove part of his colon, and got most of that except it was in some lymph nodes.) He is in remission and has been for about a year. So God does do them miracles!!!!
I am so glad that Randall got one too!

What a relief!!!
A tip I learned from my psych eval today.... Tell him when he feels the anxiety and stress coming on, to stop and tap his toes....left...right...left....right etc... Notice how fast he is probably tapping - make it slow down, while concentrating on his breathing also. (mine was concentrating on talking) But just whatever - it works. I was amazed today!