Ok, I'm Scared of this Surgery.
I was scared for a year while considering the surgery. I went through all the what if's etc.... I still am at times. I'm still pre-op, just getting started really. I know my life will be so much better at a healthier weight, but at the same time, I'm really going to miss food!
LOL It's a complete change of mind, a new lifestyle that you are jumpstarting. It's a major life changing decision, and one that can't be taken lightly. Hang in there, and pray about what is right for you. I hope you can come to a peaceful decision.
Good luck at the Tupelo meeting. I hope you gain alot of insight there!

Hi Lisa... I was extremely scared when I had my surgery. My daughter was 7 at the time and it really scared me thinking about if I died. Daddy would take care of her but not like mommy can. It was hard deciding if I was being selfish or if I really needed this.
I wrote letters to everyone I loved and made my husband promise to bring Emily to see me at least twice a week if anything happened.
But honestly when that morning got here I had total peace about it. I was nervous of course and I freaked out a little bit when I had to tell my family bye---I started to cry and get emotional and the anestesiologist (i cant spell) worked his magic and I was out. Next thing I remember is waking up in recovery and the nurses telling me to stop touching it. I dont know what I was touching but I imagine it was either my stomach or my throat. I was crying too mostly because for some reason I couldnt open my eyes. I think it was the drugs and I wanted my family to comfort me. Of course they werent in recovery. I remember going to my room and hearing my mothers voice. I felt safe and that everything was okay.
You can read on my profile the emotions I went thru. I used to update it alot.
Just be prepared. I am sure you will be fine but be prepared. Lots and Lots of folks have wonderful success stories. Yes, there are horror stories... you hear all about these.... But there are also millions of people who have thrived and live life to the fullest now. There are more success stories that horror stories...
Its totally natural to be afraid. Follow your docs orders before and after and you will be fine.
Lisa, don't think of it as dieing this way or another. Look at it as Living this way or better. I was always told, "When you know better, you should do better". So if something can make you heathier, feel better, look better and enjoy life a little better I say go for it. No one knows how you feel. Not even us, the ones who are suffering the way that you are. To each his own, we know what we feel but each person suffage is different. We can testify, we can understand a little better, we can understand your journey. But we still don't know what you are going through. "To thine own self be truth".
Girl don't get me to testifing in here this morning
. Tell the
he is a lie and the truth is not in him. I will leave this with you, fear is the
and not of god
. He did not bring you to leave you. This is what my Pastor preached on this pass Easter Sunday, something I have been saying all along, so I feel it was a message for me since I am only waiting on a surgery date. Be strong my sista and hold you head up.
Take Care

I was fine and not a bit scared UNTIL the Doc turned to me and said, "when do you want your surgery?" I said, "What?" and he said, "Pick a day." I lost it! I thought they would have me committed before I could answer! I got so scared that I started shaking and crying...then (of course) I got the giggles....and I made it thru it all!!! And I didn't even spend one day in a padded room!!!
I truly never let myself think about the surgery day. It was all so unreal to me. I didn't get scared the day of the surgery, - I kept waiting to- but it never happened. I turned it over to God and just let go....dunno how I did that as I usually worry something to death and try to help God run the show ALL the time....I just was really peaceful about it. Alot had to do with the fact that I felt I had no choice and it was God's way out for me. Just hang in there. It is natural to be nervous, but it will pass.
It also helped me to pick somebody out from the board (I chose someone from the main board) that is larger than you or has more complications due to obesity than you and keep up with them, read their profile constantly and constantly tell yourself, "If they can make it thru, so can I."