Survey Of The Week

Mines is those different colored eggs with the mushy middle. I don't know what they are called, I saw them in Dollar General today and wouldn't get them today because I don't want them in my house until Sat. about mid-night. Then they may be safe.
I am trying to do right before surgery and not pick up another 20 lbs.
I will fix my kids basket about Sat. night. Also I love the Krispy Chocolate flat candy. See I know I need this surgery. That is why I am trying to show restraint now because I know I will have too later also.

Hey Jane,
I'm fine. Just been laying low. Reading more than posting.
I guess really I just haven't had too much to say.
Which is odd for me !!!
Ready for some action with Dr. Salameh, but I keep telling myself that everything will happen in Gods time. Not mine.
The RPB eggs are great also. Heck, most all sweet candy is good to me though.
And I love bubble gum. However, its been a while since I've had any. I'm trying to break that habit now.
BooBoo loves sour stuff !!! YUCKY !!!!
I love dill pickles and such, but sour candy does nothing for me at all.
Other than make me sick to my belly & turn me green !!!
I think you do know *****dd Foxx is...
Her real name is Sandra.
She's been with us for a while & she changed her name not too long ago.
Talk soon,

Even Jim still gets a Easter Basket or bucket or whatever I put his "goodies" in! Jon, too!!! Jim, being diabetic, doesn't get the good stuff, but he gets sugar-free stuff. The kids MUST have cadbury eggs - the creme ones and a big ole chocolate bunny (1 lb of solid choco bunny at walmart $1.89) and PEEPS!!! They must be chicks, tho - Peeps are not good unless they are chicks. No bunnies allowed!!! And they get put into the microwave and blown up into gigantic peeps and then eaten!!! Blue and yellow peeps are best tho. This year Jon is getting blue ones and Em is getting PURPLE!!!!! Then they get a little present of some sort.
I LOVE the Easter Bunny!!!! In fact, I love the Easter Bunny so much, we also have birthday bunnies, anniversary bunnies, Valentine bunnies, 4th of July bunnies, Christmas bunnies (Santa, too) and a bunny for any other occasion I can think up!!!!

Thinking I should make a late nite Wal-Mart run......
Or at least send someone a late nite Wal-Mart run....
Your never too old for the Easter Bunny. Or any other holiday bunny gift.
Actually, a Friday bunny gift should be given out also....
Truthfully, I think we should each have a gift everyday.
Because each day is a gift, so why not party with gifts everyday.
Do you see where I'm going with this ???
In other words... I want gifts !!! 

And feel free to pass that message on to Johnny

OH OH OH!! MY TURN, MY TURN!!! I also lovvvvvvveeeee the Reece Eggs, they are the BOMB!!!! And Austin loves them tooooo there his favorite...I also got him a bubble generator...he loveeeesssss bubbles...and the mini hersheys bars. And my grandmother always put those Russell Stofers(sp) pecan caramel clulster eggs in there, even tho she usually gets most of and there are always little toys and Cadbury CARAMEL eggs!!!! (my all time weakness) Tho i have been able to control it this year!
Angie Bea
YUMMY YUMMY FOR MY TUMMY...... Reecies Eggs... mmmmmmm
OMG..... I forgot all about those pecan caramel clusters.....
They are GREAT !!!!
awwwwww Bubbles. Thats a great idea. I like bubbles. Bet that Baby will love them. Bet you will too. You know you have to help him out right ?
Control ??? around Candy ??? New Word Alert & Dirty Talk !!!!
Thats like...
Tammy & Work..... doesn't go together too good.
Throws up RED FLAGS !!!
Tammy ................still

Ooh, mine and my kids' favorite treat for Easter is the reese's peanut butter eggs. My kids have to have those in their baskets every year. It is tradition at our house that the Easter Bunny brings them a new swim suit and beach towel. They expect that each year.
I thought I was going to miss out on the peanut butter eggs but I'll be damned if Russell Stover didn't come out with a sugar free peanut butter egg. Boy, they did that just for me, I think. They knew I needed that fix at Easter. I bought some at Walgreens and already tried them out. They are great.
Happy Easter,
Melissa Taylor