MS Voc Question
Okay MS Vocabers this is my question. I'm in the beginning stages of trying to go this route since my insurance will not pay for WLS. I haven't spoken with Ms Voc yet and I wanted to know....should I make an appointment myself to see a counsler or should I wait until my PCP refers me to them or should I go ahead and make the appointment on my own? Also, when you first spoken to them did you say hi I'd like to speak to a counseler about WLS? I'm totally clueless on what to do.. but head strong on gettng the ball rolling. HELP HELP HELP!!!
PCP update I visited Dr. Frieze in Biloxi yesterday for the first time. She is a real jewel.. she's very compassionate and understanding and made me give her a ton of blood yesterday. She told me she wanted to wait until my results come back and then we will talk about referals then. I just want to be ready for when I see her on next Tuesday
Hi Bathsheba darling help to the resue. I really didn't know your doctor could refer you but they probably can. Well here is some help, don't wait go ahead and get the ball rolling. When you call them tell them you would like to do a application for services. If they ask for what kind of services, tell them for weightloss surgery. Now go ahead and start getting your history together if you don't already have it like most of us. They are going to set up an appointment for you to come in and get info. This is when you should sign papers for them to reguest your info. from your doctors. Get your deniel letter ready from your insurance. It is not bad at all. After they get your paper work they will have a doctor to look over your stuff and make their decision. A case manager the one you interviewed with will let you know the decision and what to do from their.
They generally have Dr.s that have taken Voc. Rehab. in the pass but you can find your own also. Their mission is to get help for you to get you back into the working community. Good Luck and if you need anymore help just email me and let me know. There is just too much to write. But my case manager didn't ask me tidius questions or nothing. My process to get approved was about 6 weeks to 2 months. That was due to Hattiesburg Clinic holding up my records, just didn't send them over to voc. rehab. So I happen to call voc. to check and they said they was waiting on records, then I called HC and the lady told me someone ordered them like (two weeks) prior and they were never pulled and copies sent. So my advice is to stay on whomever, call, call and call again because you never know who may drop the ball. I had a similar problem with my Dr's office now, but everything worked out.
Just breath, wait a minute and call them again. Hope this helps.
Take Care

Hi Bethseba - Great advise so far. I just called and asked to speak to a Voc rehab counselor about WLS. They initially told me that there was little they could do until I had a surgery date. Don't let them stall you, let them know that you have a surgeon and that the ball is rolling on the other side. Collect every scrap of medical information you have about your comorbid considitions, your PCP's recommendation for WLS, any studies you have had - Psych, Sleep Study, Edoscopy, EVERYthing. Also keep a folder of this stuff and take it with you to every appointment, both Voc Rehab and Dr's. It never fails that one place does not have a copy of something from the other place. I started keeping my own file and it saved a lot of time and footwork.
If you go a couple of weeks and don't hear something, call and let them know you are still interested (that goes for the Dr.'s office as well).
Good luck, james.
Well I went straight to Voc Rehab frist and they told me what to do. I have a great Voc Rehab social worker though. The hard thing to do is getting in to see a Dr. that accepts Voc-Rehab. And I know all about the waiting issue. I am not trying to discourage you in any way because I know it will be well worth the wait. Good luck if I can be of any help I am only a few mouse clicks away